TEFL Online in Texas - Teacher English Jobs

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Big Spring
Business English is a different form of teaching compared to that of young learners. Business English there are more interruption and scenarios where students won’t or can’t make it to class, thus
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Big Wells
Speaking in general terms, there are three types of Learning Styles: Visual, Auditory and Tactile or Kinesthetic. In Unit 4 I found that all of the suggested strategies and actions fell into one of t
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A good balance between planning and flexibility is essential for a lesson to be effective. A lesson plan is very important as you can organize the lesson around what you expect the student to achieve
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Bishop Hills
In this unit many different approaches to language learning were presented, each of them having their positives and negatives. This course has adopted the ESA- Engage, Study, and Activiate- approach.
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This unit, following the last one, focuses on the productive skills, speaking and writing (the most neglected TEFL world skill). I learned the difference between accuracy and fluency activities. This
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In Unit 7, teaching vocabulary, grammar and language functions are discussed. The main objective of the teacher attempting to teach the students about vocabulary, grammar structures, and language func
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This unit discusses various types of special groups an ESL teacher might teach. Teaching children will be different than teaching Business English. Business English is often taught through a company s
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This unit focusses on how to teach receptive skills - reading & listening. When it comes to student comprehension, reading is less problomatic as the content is 'captured' on paper allowing students t
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Blooming Grove
Unit 18 was my first introduction to “phrasal verbs” and I have to say it has been a most difficult concept for me to understand. As a native speaker, I was never formally taught—or don’t rem
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This lesson covers different approaches to English-teaching, which vary largely in terms of how much the teacher is leading the class, how much the students speak, in what context they speak (i.e., re
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Blue Mound
i feel this unit gave me more confidence in straight arrow lesson plan, i feel more of an understanding of how the lesson plan needs to be laid out and how each is structured before you can move onto
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Blue Ridge
Unit 6 discusses past tenses. They include past simple, past continuous, past perfect, and past perfect continuous tenses. Past simple tenses are used for actions completed at a definite time in the p
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Wow. That is very confusing! I am slowly remembering how to explain all these ideas. But its not easy. I will defiantly have to review these concepts before I teach them. I appreciated the differ
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It isn’t what I thought it is and this isn’t easy as well. I learnt that there’s more to this future tenses. Good thing this unit has everything to simplify the concept. I have acquired addition
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Future simple tense is used to speak of certainties and definite facts in the future, along with promises, predictions, assumptions, spontaneous decisions and threats. The future continuous tense use
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The unit covers the most common and prominent (though that is constantly under debate) teaching methods and techniques. ESA, engage, study, and activate (along with the many variations this can be app
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It was very helpful to see ideas for how to develop a lesson for teaching vocabulary, grammatical structures and language functions, reviewing techniques within the ESA lesson framework, as well as le
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The future tense is complex and has seven common forms that are used to express it. There are also present tense forms that can also have future applications. I learned that this can be tricky for stu
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Classroom management is the key in developing a good rapport between teachers to students and students to students. I am learning the different uses of eye contact, gestures, and body language used in
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Pronunciation is probably the most neglected aspect of English language teaching. This is session has been really useful. I learnt to teach pronunciation with the following techniques: peer dictation,
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In this final unit, I learned about the as you call it "troubleshooting" that may occur throughout one's teaching career. Such as, reluctant students, first lesson do's and don't's, multi level classe
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Testing is a way to make sure that students are more likely to take the class seriously. It also allows the teacher to make sure that the students are actually learning and what might need to be retau
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From this unit we understood that before starting a lesson , teachers should be well prepared beforehand ,especially techers with no experience. When teacher gets prepared feforehand , she feels self-
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Brazos Bend
This unit was a video unit, where we had to watch two videos of English classes. The first video showed what you shouldn't do as an English teacher and the second one showed a good practise example. I
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Brazos Country
This unit covered the teaching of pronunciation and phonology. Phonology is the study of the physical properties of sounds such as: stress, rhythm, and intonation. Intonation is very important to a st
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This study unit dealt with EFL methodology, mistakes and feedback. This unit was very helpful in that I learnt about the different stages of a lesson, the sequence in which you can plan each stage of
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Unit 16 covered conditionals and reported speech. The unit taught about the different conditional which are the zero conditional, first conditional, second condition, third conditional and finally th
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Wow. What a difference the teachers disposition makes! These lessons made me realize how prepared i need to be for each lesson so i am not distracted by having to look at my notes a lot. To teach we
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In this chapter, i learnt in depth about different modal verbs with its usage and how to apply each modal verbs in present, future and past tenses. I also get the learn how the use of modal verbs can
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Bridge City
This unit has been helpful in teaching me the aspects of what will be taught in the classroom. The students need to know three main things: vocabulary, grammar, and functions (inviting and refusing, a
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The 12th unit covers the role of the productive skills, speaking and writing, within the classroom. The text opens up with an explanation of why students and how students use speaking and writing skil
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UNIT 10 – TWO VIDEO LESSONS Video 1: This seems to be a lesson about modal verbs. In the beginning the teacher is trying to get the students comfortable with talking about things (in the student’
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In this unit I learned about various methods of classroom management. The first thing that was covered in the unit was a teachers voice, eye contact and gestures. I thought it was particularly interes
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It is interesting and confusing that present tense can also be used to imply future actions or situations. I wonder what it is like as a non-native English speaker to try to discern these things if th
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Brookside Village
In this chapter I've learned the different methods of teaching a new language. vocabulary,grammar and language structures are very important when teaching English, i feel like its the basics of teachi
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In unit three we learned about general teaching styles and methodologies briefly. It was helpful to see the ESA method and that it can be rearranged in various way to fit the class level and time all
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The unit was helpful since it provided such an important aspect of language as it is Parts of Speech. As a person who has worked as an English instructor for some time, I often need to help students u
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There are many ways that students can be engaged in learning. It is important that a teacher considers a variety of techniques and to encourage as much student participation as possible. An effective
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I was aware that as a teacher there are a variety of different tasks needed such as manager, assessor and facilitator but I learned that there are so many ways a teacher can help their students. By mo
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Unit 2 is an introduction to the grammar specifically the parts of Speech. Each word of a sentence is classified according to its purpose and the meaning it adds. Each of wich has also specific clissi
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I have learnt that classroom management is very important as this can affect the way the students learn as well as how they would view their teacher. Students can be introverts or extroverts however a
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There are four tenses in the present time in English: the present simple, the present continuous, the present perfect and the present perfect continuous. This unit explains how to form each tense in t
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Unit 11 Teaching Receptive Skills explained reading and listening. There are four basic skills in any language receptive skills ( speaking and writing ) and productive skills ( speaking and writing ).
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The second unit of the course covers various parts of speech in the English language. The unit is broken up into eight parts covering the eight basic parts of the speech most teachers will encounter a
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I found this unit a lot easier to follow than some of the previous ones - especially the present tenses unit. Perhaps it is because past tenses are easier to identify, I am not sure. I liked the examp
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In Unit 19, teaching specific groups are examined and discussed. Being a teacher, it is important to be able to read and analyze your students in order to be able to provide the most efficient teachin
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Buffalo Gap
I already had a good working knowledge of grammar, but this unit solidified and put into words concepts that I had learned at a young age from being surrounded by English. The sections dealing with th
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I have learnt to watch out for typical errors made by students and key teaching ideas that enable me to provide students with the right usage of the present tenses. It is also very important to give e
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There are well-known methods and approaches to teaching English but there is a not a single way of teaching using any of the methods described in the unit rather a teacher can work out for himself wha
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Bunker Hill Village
The demonstration videos of class I and class 2 in unit 10 shows two different kinds of approach on how to teach more effectively in class and how the students participate in an effective teaching man
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