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Tenses means time; whether it be the past, present or future. These tenses are further subdivided into other categories such as: simple continuous, perfect and perfect continuous. This unit has
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UNIT 11 TEACHING RECEPTIVE SKILLS There are four basic skills in any language but this unit covers the two receptive skills first; reading and listening as a natural reaction to its two opposite prod
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This unit covered the aspects of real life teaching situations and how to handle your first class and how they might be. Having being taught this by this unit, it enables me to better approach my futu
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This was a pretty tough unit. Again, it is a subject that I just take for granted as an English speaker. I never stop to think about the need to properly change the tenses for reported speech. As I me
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This unit was useful in the sense that it continued on from the previous 'Present Tense' unit. I learnt more about; Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous tense. I thi
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I understand that a teachers attitude in class can have a profound effect on the outcome of a lesson. Negativity (as shown in the first lesson) can seem intimidating to students whereas a smile (as se
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Unit 3 covered theories, methods, and techniques associated with learning a foreign language. The main method for EFL and this course is the ESA method. During the engage part of the lesson, it is imp
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New Auburn
In this unit, I learned what qualities make a good teacher. I learned the types of teaching styles I might perform and the strengths and weaknesses of each of these styles. Also, these styles might be
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New Brighton
After two units describing the present and the past tenses now we got a future tenses unit. As it is said in the unit the future tenses are the most confusing while learning English as besides having
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New Germany
The content of this Unit as well as Unit 11 was sooooo interesting and detailed as well as well explained. It keeps making me think and hoping to master the Art of Planning Lessons with more fluency a
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New Hope
Training of writing and speaking skills is as well very important to equally develop language skills. Altho writing is not a favorite skill to be trained by teachers during classes (it's often asked t
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New London
This unit was about all four forms of the present tense with some very interesting examples of activate teaching ideas. Overall, this is the easiest tense to understand but it is important to remember
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New Market
This unit looks more in-depth at lesson plans, discusses the rationale behind using lesson plans, gives tips for writing effective lesson plans, and even includes sample lesson plans and activities. I
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New Munich
Unit 15 deals with evaluation and testing. When it comes to teaching EFL students, testing and evaluating are a big part of teaching English. Before any students are assigned into a classroom, placeme
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New Prague
Since I graduated college as a Business Management Major. It was actually hard for me to adjust my experience from 2-4 students during my English tutorial classes(this was when I was working part-time
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New Richland
This particular unit is about past tense which relates to past time periods and the system and structure of past tenses which is not too different present tenses.There are four tenses which are past s
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New Trier
This section taught me about the different tenses within the present tense that we use in the English language. These are all tenses that I have used in everyday life however as a native speaker of En
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New Ulm
This unit was good solid information on what to expect as a teacher and what to expect or look for from the students. It helps to set the playing field of teaching (any subject really). When a teacher
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New York Mills
This unit focused on the different formats of the future usage in sentences. There are several errors and mistakes to look at when teaching this subject and correcting them is something that will take
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Unit 16 considers grammar conditionals, and direct/indirect speech as well. Conditionals consist of 5 conditionals in this case, such as zero conditional ( it refers to actions and facts that are irre
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In this chapter we learned how teachers tackle teaching special student groups such as, beginners, youth,individual and corporate classes. I found the part of teaching one on one classes very helpful
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Receptive skills and productive skills are all equally important. There are different reasons we have for reading or listening. This unit highlights the different ways we do this by dividing reasons
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This unit reviewed different equipment and teaching aids that can be used to enhance the lesson and build interest. There are various tools that can be used that may or may not be available in eac
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16. Unit 16 is about conditionals and reported speech. Conditionals are sentences containing “if” (or similar such as when) which refer to past, present and future possibilities. I learned in t
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The Classical method was created around the XVII century by scholars with the objective of translate ancient greek and latin to their native language. It consists in convert the native language to the
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Teaching can be carried out in many ways but the more interactive and fun the lessons are then the more likely the students are to remember what they learn. With so many tools at our disposal, I enjoy
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The unit gives profound description of Teachers and Learners. It is a good reminder that a good teacher cares more about the learners more than her teachings,above all other good qualities of the tea
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North Branch
As seen for present and past, future has different tenses and is the most complex of the three. There can occur different confusions when it comes to the verbs "be going to" and the future simple. Als
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North Mankato
This unit provided the necessary advice and tips I personnally required for the end of this course. Certain guidelines in previous units such as the management of different levels within the same clas
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North Oaks
Classroom management is vital in any learning situation or program; even when it is an online virtual classroom. I like that this module because it shows that classroom management is not just about di
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North St. Paul
The videos show two very different lessons: In the first one, the teacher looks very annoyed and bored, not interested in the students; the lesson is teacher-centered and the student talking time is n
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Unit 13 describes the significance of teaching pronunciation and phonology. These two language areas are very important to be covered while teaching new language. Some teacher decide to dedicate to th
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In this unit I came to learn about the reasons and motives for reading (purpose and entertainment) and how sometimes we will have both motivations for one same reading or listening we will be doing. T
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My focus on this lesson was understanding the ways in order to make my students more focused on producing the English language. A good teacher concentrates on the fluency and accuracy of the students
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Norwood Young America
In the two videos we saw some clear things we shouldn’t do and also some good things we should always try to do as this not only sets the tone for the lesson but also helps the students to feel conf
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Vocabulary, grammar and functions are reviewing by Unit-7 ' Teaching New Language'. To make lessons more successful we have to ensure that students are introduced to new language in a balanced and man
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Oak Grove
This unit teaches you the future tenses of the English language, their forms and usage. I have realized that at times the present tense in English can also be used to express ideas and/or actions of t
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Oak Park Heights
From unit 1, I learned that teachers must be passionate and understanding that what they do. They must be available and intervene when necessary. They must be kind and have knowledge at what they're t
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In this unit I learned about the future tense in the English language and its different forms. I learned about different ways to express future predictions, future plans, and future events. I also lea
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This unit has been concerned with the management of a class. This is known as classroom management which is the organising and managing of the class. This may be done through the use of: eye contact,
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Parts of speech and its classification is definitely one of the most complicated units in the learning English language. the certain difficulty is in the word order, for example, in my language there
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UNIT 7 VOCABULARY, GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS This unit talked about the significance and importance of having the right knowledge in word grammar and its functions along with a balanced, correct and time
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This unit shows how important is to develop the receptive skills of the students, so the teachers have to be careful when they pick their educational materials, such as multimedia materials and artic
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I have come to the knowledge that the unit deals with the interaction between the teacher and the learner, and also the different factors at various stages that affect positively or negatively the pro
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In my opinion, it is important to know how to measure and know the degree of learning of a student, the best option is through tests and work to establish that you can add or that you can improve the
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Before starting this unit I thought that the future tenses would be simpler that the past or present. After having read through this lesson and completing the exercises I realize how wrong I was. The
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The chapter provides the reader with the necessary information to plan a lesson. A lesson plan has 3 main functions: to Create a plan of action with your objectives and procedures for the class, to be
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This unit allowed me to confirm what a good teacher should be and his/her roles. The qualities a teacher should have: kind, patient, good in his/her subject so as to make the learners comfortable. The
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Proper planing for a class is for the best as a teacher. Make sure you have all you materials ready and with you and make sure that everthing is working. It will make your teaching time easier. To be
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This unit helps the teacher to work with difficulties that might appear during his teaching experience, such as working with new groups and doing the first lesson for them. Also there is information a
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