Easy TEFL Lessons

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

M.G. - U.S.A. said:
What I have personally gained from the course can be summed up in one word “self-confidence”. Before I began this endeavor, I never thought it possible for me to be standing in front of a classroom filled with students who were learning english as a second language. I thought the challenge would be too overwhelming. Now, as I am close to completing the course, the course has prepared me properly for what lies ahead. I look forward to my new career as a teacher. I embrace all wonders that come with the thirst for knowledge, and I cannot wait to begin this exciting new chapter of my life. I have learned “structure” from this course. I plan to implement what I have learned in the course and combine my teachings with my own personality. I am an outgoing, enthusiastic and patient man. It is my intent to make the lessons fun and exciting and to motivate my students to want to learn.. .I desire to make the learning process interesting. There is an old saying” “Patience is a virtue.” A teacher has to be patient. A teacher has to be able to communicate effectively. This course has truly given me the foundation of what I need to succeed. Thank you.