What Is The Holiday Halloween About

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Tefl testimonials - 10 Activities For The Past Simple - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Grammar lessons can be perceived as boring for some students, so it is important to have fun activities that encourage the students to use the target language creatively and foster high student talking time. Below is a list of ten activities that can be used for lessons on the past simple. Matching Pairs: The teacher creates a set of cards with present simple verbs and a set with the past simple form of the same verbs. The sets are mixed together and places face down on the desk. Students take turns to turn over two cards. If the two cards match, i.e. both forms of the same verb, the student has to make a sentence with the past simple form before they can keep the cards. If they cannot make a correct sentence, the cards are turned over and it is the next player's turn. The...  [Read more]

How do I become a TEFL teacher in the UK? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Most of Europe has a very strong demand for TEFL qualified teachers and there is usually a big queue of people hoping to take advantage of every vacant position. People from all parts of the world dream of living and working in the UK and many see teaching English as a way to achieve that dream. However, non-UK citizens need to consider a few things before booking a flight to London. There is plenty of demand for English language instruction across the UK as the country has relatively high levels of immigration and a significant refugee population. Government, private, and charity run organizations operate in many areas where they help newcomers and their families to improve their English skills so they can get by on a day to day basis. However, most of these positions will go to local...  [Read more]

Can I teach English in an English-speaking country? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The worldwide job market for native-English speakers with a TEFL certification is simply huge. Whether you head to Europe, Asia, Latin America or even Africa, you will have plenty of countries to choose from. However, if you dream of living and working in an English-speaking country, you might find it a little more difficult. While English language instruction is generally in high demand in English-speaking countries, the necessary teachers can normally be found within the country's own population, leaving little need to hire teachers from abroad. Another stumbling block is that work permits and visas can be particularly difficult to secure, especially for American citizens. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule so it is still possible to fulfill your dream. There are many...  [Read more]

Can I get a work visa to teach English in Germany? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

For EU citizens looking to teach English in Germany it is relatively straightforward as they are able to work freely without a visa, while others such as Australians, New Zealanders, and Canadians can apply for a working holiday visa. However, for Americans and other non-EU citizens, there are fewer options when looking to live and work in the country. That being said, if you are patient it is definitely possible to obtain a work visa that allows you to fulfill your dream of teaching English in Germany. The application process can take up to two months and must be done from within Germany, so most teachers enter the country on a tourist visa. As the process is quite slow you will need to be able to support yourself financially while you wait for your application to be approved. It will...  [Read more]

Will I get health insurance when teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Wherever you are teaching in the world, having adequate health insurance is obviously a very important issue. Whether it is provided by the employer or is entirely your own responsibility varies from one situation to the next so it is vital that you confirm health insurance details whenever you are interviewed for a teaching position. The following is a brief overview of health insurance around the ESL teaching world. The Asian continent is home to some of the world's largest and most popular ESL job markets. Health insurance is typically provided for most teachers working in countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia and Vietnam. In many cases health cover is provided free of charge, although you may have a small sum deducted from your monthly salary in some...  [Read more]

Teaching English in New Zealand - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs New Zealand

TESOL Jobs in New Zealand will take some time to find but simply due to the wonderful natural surrounding and welcoming culture, the job is sure to be rewarding. Of course with English being an official language of New Zealand, odds of finding employment are best for New Zealanders themselves. New Zealand is a Commonwealth country so if you’re from a Commonwealth nation, your odds of landing a TESOL job might also be good. Most opportunities are there to be found in Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch. An option that may appeal to many members of the Commonwealth, who are 30-years-old or younger, is the Working Holiday Visa. This will allow you to work over a twelve-month period, though you cannot work for the same employer for longer than three months. Almost all TEFL jobs in New...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in South Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

South Korea is one of the most popular destinations for teaching English abroad. Thousands of new and experienced teachers head to the country every year as it offers competitive salaries and good working conditions. When you also consider that South Korea is one of Asia's wealthiest and most developed countries, with low crime rates and a high-tech infrastructure, its' popularity comes as no surprise. The salary you can expect to earn while teaching English in South Korea will vary depending on where you work and your level of experience. The typical average monthly salaries are as follows. Public schools: First time teachers = 1.8 to 2.0 million KRW ($1,600 to $1,800 USD). Experienced teachers = 2.0 to 2.7 million KRW ($1,800 to $2,400 USD). Private schools: First time teachers = 2.0...  [Read more]

How much do TEFL teachers make in Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

It is no secret within the TEFL world that South Korea is one of the most popular countries for foreign teachers due to the huge number of jobs available every year and the higher than average salaries offered by schools who need to fill their vacant positions. Working conditions are generally very good and the facilities and infrastructure throughout this modern and high-tech nation are as good as any in the region. Crime rates are very low by western standards and the excellent public transport network means that teachers are able to explore all parts of this fascinating country, culture, and people whenever they have time away from the classroom. The actual figure you will see on your monthly payslip will depend on several things including the type of school you work in, your level of...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - The Esa Methodology Of Teaching Patchwork Esa Lesson - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  A final example is going to be an example of a patchwork ESA lesson and remember we said the form of this particular lesson will start with and engage always and will finish with and activate and there'll be some variation of E, S and A within the brackets here. So we're going to generate our patchwork ESA lesson as follows. Starting with the engage, the students are going to look at holiday photos and talk about what they like and don't like from what they see. From that, we're going to move directly into an activate phase and what the students are going to do is to make comments about holiday brochures and try to act out a role-play between the travel agent and a customer. Again, as this is taking place, the teacher will be moving around and looking for gaps in knowledge in...  [Read more]

TEFL Ireland - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Ireland TEFL Courses

  TEFL International offers Ireland’s best TEFL training course. Located in Limerick, our center’s facilities are modern and our staff is well-qualified to provide you with the training you need to begin teaching ESL. All course participants are eligible to receive our wonderful job support, so finding a paid position after you complete your course shouldn’t be a problem. Whether in Ireland, neighboring UK, Europe, or just about anywhere else in the world, we’ll help you secure a great TEFL job. Besides some TEFL jobs at private language schools, positions are available at universities and colleges. Jobs are most often times offered in summer holiday months of June to September. If you hold a passport from an EU country, you will not need to get a work visa and chances of...  [Read more]

What is the JET Program for teaching English in Japan? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET) is a government backed scheme that has been operating for over 30 years. Every year around 5,000 foreign nationals are placed into schools right across Japan with the intention of raising the language skills of young people. Unlike many similar programs in other countries, the JET Program also has a strong focus on cultural exchange between participants and the local population. Competition for places on the program is generally very tough as successful applicants receive a competitive salary and a range of extra benefits. The program is open to college graduates up to the age of 40, although its status as primarily a youth culture exchange means that recent graduates have a greater chance of success. The main criteria required is a minimum...  [Read more]

What visa do I need to teach English in Europe? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you plan on heading to Europe to teach English it is important that you are aware of the regulations regarding visas and work permits in your chosen destination. The visa situation varies from one country to the next and may also depend on your own nationality. Because of this, we recommend that you visit the relevant embassy website to get the most up to date information before you make any final travel plans. As Spain is a member of the European Union, teachers from other EU member states do not need a visa to live and work legally in Spain. However, you will still need to apply for a residency permit and a tax number on arrival in the country. The application process should be straightforward and you can usually expect your employer to help you through it. For non-EU citizens,...  [Read more]

How much money can you make teaching English in East Asia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are looking for a region that has a huge job market for TEFL qualified teachers and you want to earn a good salary that allows you to save a considerable sum of money, look no further than East Asia. Jobs are abundant and the potential earnings are very high in countries such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and China. As with any destination, the salaries on offer vary considerably depending on experience, qualifications, location, and type of employment. As a guide you should expect to earn somewhere between 200,000 and 600,000 yen (currently $2,000 to $6,000) per month. If the job pays by the hour then a figure of around 2,500 yen ($25) per hour would be typical. In addition to a basic salary, most positions will also include added benefits, such as paid airfares, housing,...  [Read more]

What visa do I need to teach English in Spain? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

People come from all over the world to teach English as a foreign language in Spain, and there are a variety of different visa options depending on your nationality. The following is a brief overview of the current options; however, we recommend that you always conduct your own research to ensure you have the most up-to-date information. As Spain is a member of the European Union, teachers from other EU member states do not need a visa to live and work legally in Spain. However, you will still need to apply for a residency permit and a tax number on arrival in the country. The application process should be straightforward and you can usually expect your employer to help you through it. For non-EU citizens, the most common option is a 90-day tourist visa that is issued on arrival at a...  [Read more]

what is the job market like for tefl teachers in the pacific islands? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Working as a TEFL teacher in the Pacific Islands can be a unique and rewarding experience. The job market for TEFL teachers in this region varies depending on the specific island and country. Generally, the demand for English language teachers in the Pacific Islands is high due to the importance of English as a global language and the desire for locals to improve their English proficiency for tourism, business, and education. One of the key factors to consider when looking for TEFL teaching opportunities in the Pacific Islands is the level of economic development and infrastructure in the region. Countries with more developed economies, such as Australia and New Zealand, may have more established language schools and a higher demand for English teachers. On the other hand, smaller and less...  [Read more]

What is the best TEFL course to do in Thailand? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you perform an internet search for TEFL courses in Thailand you will find several pages of different providers offering a variety of courses across the country, but how do you know which is the best for you? At ITTT we are confident that our in-class courses are the best on offer in Thailand as we have developed them over a number of years. The key to the success of our in-class TEFL courses is the quality of the instruction provided. At all of our centers we only employ trainers who possess a high level of teaching qualifications and several years of experience teaching in an international classroom environment. All our teacher trainers are dedicated to helping each and every trainee to reach their full potential. With their guidance and encouragement, most trainees successfully...  [Read more]

Can I teach English in Spain without a degree? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Spain is one of the most popular destinations in Europe for teaching English abroad for many different reasons, including the buoyant job market, laid-back culture, great climate, and fabulous cuisine. Jobs are available year-round in most major towns and cities, but are you eligible to join the many thousands of people teaching English across Spain right now? This is one of the most common questions asked by those who dream of living and working in Spain, and the answer is NO, you do not need a university degree to teach English in Spain. There is no legal requirement for English teachers to have a degree and demand is so high that most employers are also unconcerned about your degree status. Most employers in Spain prefer to hire native English speakers as this is what local students are...  [Read more]

How do I get a TEFL certificate in Thailand? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you search for TEFL courses in Thailand on the internet you will find a selection of different providers offering a variety of TEFL courses throughout the country, but how do you know which is the best for you? ITTT is confident that our in-class courses are the best available in Thailand, having developed them over a number of years. The quality of instruction provided is critical to the success of our in-person TEFL courses. We only hire trainers with a high level of teaching qualifications and several years of experience teaching in an international classroom environment at all of our centers. All of our teacher trainers are committed to assisting each trainee in reaching their full potential. After our trainees successfully complete the course they go on to teach in their own...  [Read more]

Teaching English Esl Efl Tips/future Tenses Going To Future Teaching Ideas - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  This video looks at various teaching ideas for the 'going to' future tense. Pictures are a great tool for lower-level students to look at evidence based on the pictures and making predictions using the 'going to' future. Other ideas might include weather predictions, as well as planning a party or holiday. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This is a general unit that introduces the levels of student ability, and provides a framework for...  [Read more]

Teaching English in Ireland - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs Ireland

Ireland is a difficult place to get a TEFL job for anyone who does not live in the country or who does not have an EU passport. Most TEFL Jobs are available in Dublin, but this is an expensive city to live in. It can be cheaper to live outside of Dublin, but then there are fewer positions available. Dublin has a lot of language schools, and you may get one of these jobs, but the work may not be consistent, and the pay may not be able to meet your expenses. Aside from TEFL Jobs at private language schools, positions are available at universities and colleges as well. Many jobs are available during the summer holiday months of June to September. If you hold a passport from an EU country, you will not need to get a work visa. Ireland offers a Student Work Abroad Program, which can provide...  [Read more]

Can I teach English with just a TEFL certificate? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

We should start by acknowledging that there are some countries where a degree is required for certain teaching jobs. However, even within these countries there are often opportunities for teachers without a degree. In such situations you would need to be more flexible in terms of the type of job and conditions. As we will see later, undertaking volunteering or internship programs are examples of such flexibility. The main point here is that you can teach in many countries without a degree, provided you do have some other attributes or qualifications that employers are looking for. One of the most important qualifications worldwide for EFL teachers is the TEFL certificate. If you have a certificate of at least 120 hours then you should be able to find a number of jobs available to you. You...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Turkey? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

As it is one of the few countries in the world that overlaps two different continents, Turkey has long been a popular destination for international travelers. Due to a steadily growing demand for the English language across much of the country, it is now also an increasingly popular destination for teaching English abroad. Job opportunities can be found in many parts of the country, but the big markets for ESL teachers are located in Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir. Technically a degree in any subject is required for all teaching jobs; however, there are often not enough teachers to fill vacant positions so a TEFL certificate is sufficient for many employers. The monthly salary you can expect when teaching English as a foreign language in Turkey will vary from around $800 to $1,800 USD per...  [Read more]

Teaching English in Australia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs Australia

The TESOL profession in Australia enjoys a constant influx of students from Asia wishing to take intensive English courses. Added to this, there are numerous governmental programs aimed at helping the indigenous Aboriginal community gain the English skills they need to integrate into a more modern society. This being said, the TESOL profession in Australia is highly regulated and standards are high in both private and public sectors. The national pay scale for ESL teachers is AUD 18,000-30,000 per year. British, Irish and Canadian citizens under 31 years of age might like the possibility of a working in Australia on a holiday visa. This is a 12-month, non-renewable visa that allows you to work in any one job for a maximum of three months. This could prove convenient for any...  [Read more]

How long do TEFL contracts last? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Once you have completed your chosen TEFL course and have that all important certificate in your hand, you can seriously start to plan the next stage of your adventure. Thanks to the sustained demand for English language teachers right across the world there are plenty of countries to choose from, each with its own unique set of attractions. But how long will you have to commit for when you sign the job contract? The most common contract in European schools is for an academic year that generally runs from September to June. The great thing here is you will have a couple of months off during the summer break to travel or earn some extra cash working with private students or at a summer camp. Summer language camps are very popular across much of Europe and usually run for 4 to 8 weeks,...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Vietnam? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Due to a government backed scheme to improve English language proficiency across the country, Vietnam has seen a boom in ESL teaching jobs in recent years. As well as having plenty of teaching positions, Vietnam also offers a great mix of cosmopolitan cities, laidback beach resorts, and lush tropical countryside. The relaxed way of life is another reason why an increasing number of teachers are deciding to move here, particularly those who are used to working in other Asian countries with a more strict approach to life and work such as South Korea, China, and Japan. With so much in its favour it is no surprise that Vietnam is currently one of the fastest growing destinations in the world for teaching English abroad. The average salary for ESL teachers in Vietnam is around $1,000 USD...  [Read more]

Why should I teach English in Latin America rather than in Spain? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Spain is one of the most popular TEFL destinations in Europe and it attracts thousands of teachers from all over the world every year. However, before you jump on the plane to sunny Spain, you might want to consider what Latin America has to offer. When armed with all the facts, many teachers decide that a country in this region is actually better suited to them. One of the many benefits of teaching English abroad is it provides a perfect opportunity to learn another language during your stay. Many people choose Spain as their teaching destination as they assume it is the best environment for learning the Spanish language. However, the reality is that the Spanish spoken in Spain uses an accent and slang that is very different to anywhere else, to the point that Spanish speakers from other...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Greece? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Until recent years Greece was one of the most popular destinations in Europe for teaching English abroad. Unfortunately, the global financial crisis of 2008 has led to a downturn in almost every sector of the economy, including ESL teaching. Despite these setbacks, Greece still attracts a large number of foreign teachers every year due to the warm Mediterranean climate, countless stunning beaches and islands, and a relaxed approach to life. Athens is home to the biggest job market for teachers, while other cities such as Thessaloniki, Larissa, Heraklion, and Corfu are also popular. Although ESL teaching jobs are still relatively easy to come by, the salaries on offer have not risen substantially since the start of the financial crisis. However, the average salary for a first-time...  [Read more]

How do I find a job teaching English in France? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

France is the most popular tourist destination in the world by visitor numbers, and it is equally popular with those looking to teach English abroad. With so much to offer, from history and culture to fashion and cuisine, France is the dream destination for thousands of ESL teachers every year. If you want to join this number, take a look at the following guide to teaching English in France. As with most countries in Western Europe, employers in France expect their prospective employees to possess a TEFL certificate. If you arrive without one, you are likely to have a tough time in the job market as most of your competitors will be TEFL certified. If you apply for a position offered by the government-run teaching assistant recruitment program, it is possible to make all the necessary...  [Read more]

How do I find a job teaching English in Italy? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Italy is one of the most popular destinations in Europe for teaching English abroad. With a fascinating history, Mediterranean climate and an easy going lifestyle, it is no surprise that it is the number one choice for a large number of prospective teachers from all over the world. To help you plan ahead and to ensure you have the best possible chance of landing your dream job, we have put together the following guide to finding a job teaching English in Italy. The most important thing to know about teaching English in Italy is that you will need to be TEFL certified. Employers across the country almost always insist on their teachers having completed a reputable TEFL certification course prior to applying for a teaching position. Although it is sometimes possible to secure a...  [Read more]

Teaching English in South Korea - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs South Korea

Many opportunities exist for TEFL jobs in Korea. It is also one of the more popular choices of destinations to teach English because it is one of the highest paid. A TEFL teacher willing to work overtime can earn $6000 US per month, and because the cost of living in this country is not that high, savings can be considerable. TEFL jobs are available in state universities and private language schools (hagwons). There are thousands of hagwons throughout the country, and a large proportion of teachers find work at one of these in Seoul or Busan. But there are also lots of good employment opportunities in towns and smaller cities as well. As long as you have a university degree, a well recognized TEFL certificate and you come from UK, Ireland, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada or South...  [Read more]

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