Salary Of A English Teacher

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English Grammar Going To Teaching Idea English Teacher Salary - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  In this video we look at a teaching idea for the 'going to' future tense. This tense is often used to make predictions based on evidence and the idea covered here focuses on this usage. As you can see in the video, this idea is suitable for low level students as it uses pictures and verb prompts. Students choose a verb and one of the pictures that best match the verb. For example the student might choose "wash" and the picture of the shampoo bottle: "He is going to wash his hair". If you are thinking about teaching English abroad the best way to improve your job opportunities is to get a teaching certificate. Not only will a certificate open up more doors to you but it will also improve your chances of getting a higher English teacher salary. By taking a TEFL course with ITTT...  [Read more]

is tefl certification required for teaching english in adult education programs? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

TEFL certification is not always required for teaching English in adult education programs, but it can greatly benefit teachers in terms of job opportunities, salary potential, and overall teaching effectiveness. While some adult education programs may hire teachers without TEFL certification, many employers prefer or even require candidates to have a TEFL certificate. Having a TEFL certification demonstrates to employers that a teacher has received training in language teaching methodologies, classroom management techniques, and lesson planning strategies specifically geared towards teaching English as a foreign language. This can give certified teachers a competitive edge in the job market and increase their chances of securing higher-paying positions. In addition, TEFL certification...  [Read more]

what is the salary range for tefl teachers? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

As a TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) teacher, the salary range can vary significantly depending on various factors such as the country where you are teaching, your level of experience, qualifications, and the type of institution you are working for. In general, salaries for TEFL teachers can range from $1,200 to $4,000 per month. Entry-level positions in countries in Asia, Latin America, or Eastern Europe may offer lower salaries, typically ranging from $800 to $2,000 per month. On the other hand, positions in the Middle East, Japan, South Korea, or certain European countries can offer higher salaries, ranging from $2,000 to $4,000 or more per month. Experienced teachers with advanced qualifications such as a Master's degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other...  [Read more]

what is the average salary for tefl teachers? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The average salary for TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) teachers can vary significantly depending on several factors such as the country where they are teaching, their level of experience, qualifications, type of institution they work for, and whether they are teaching online or in a physical classroom. In general, salaries for TEFL teachers can range from around $800 to $4,000 per month. In countries where the cost of living is lower, such as some parts of Asia and Latin America, salaries may be on the lower end of the scale. On the other hand, in countries with higher living costs, such as in Western Europe or the Middle East, salaries tend to be higher. TEFL teachers with more experience and higher qualifications, such as a Master's degree in TESOL (Teaching English to...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - What Are The Start Up Costs For Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Although most teachers earn a comfortable salary, there are inevitably some initial costs that you will need to cover before you earn your first paycheck. The amount will vary considerably depending on your destination but will typically include airfares, accommodation, meals, and other living expenses.  [Read more]

How do I negotiate my salary as a TEFL teacher? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Negotiating your salary as a TEFL teacher is an important step in ensuring that you are fairly compensated for your skills and experience. Here are some tips to help you navigate this process effectively: First and foremost, it is important to research the typical salary range for TEFL teachers in the region where you will be working. This will give you a baseline from which to negotiate and ensure that you are not asking for an unrealistic amount. When negotiating your salary, it is important to highlight any relevant experience or qualifications that you have that make you a strong candidate for the position. This could include prior teaching experience, specialized training in teaching English as a foreign language, or fluency in multiple languages. Additionally, be prepared to discuss...  [Read more]

Which countries have a growing demand for EFL teachers? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

For each of five countries in each region we will consider factors such as a general statement of opportunity in the region, monthly salary in US$ equivalent and finally a typical current job posting from the region. It is important to view salaries in the context of a typical citizen’s average income. What may appear to be a low salary may in fact put you in a high income bracket (and vice-versa!) All figures were correct at the time of writing but are subject to change. There is a vast range of opportunity from high income first world countries like Japan and South Korea, to less-developed countries throughout the region. Salaries and conditions therefore vary due to those constraints. 11 schools available across Thailand (kindergarten, primary and high school level) You will teach...  [Read more]

Which countries pay the best TEFL salaries? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

It is important to appreciate that higher salaries are made available to attract the best teaching candidates. What each country considers best does depend on the country, but there are some common factors regarding qualifications and experience when it comes to securing the top paying jobs. In general you need to be a native English speaker, have a degree, usually in education or a related field, and a minimum of a TEFL certificate (though often higher, such as a Diploma in TESOL). You will often see that a minimum of two years teaching experience is also needed. If you have all the above, you have a good chance of gaining employment in the first five of our top ten below. With some of them, you may be able to gain employment in the other five. Figures taken from a range of teaching...  [Read more]

What type of teachers get paid the most? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), also known as teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL), is a rewarding profession that needs commitment and love. Luckily, you also won't have to sacrifice a good salary! We are sure you are curious about what type of teachers earn the most when teaching abroad, so let's have a look. The simple answer is your potential salary often depends on three main factors: your qualifications, the country you teach in, and the type of school you work for. The fact is, TEFL and TESOL certified teachers earn higher salaries compared to teachers without a certificate. Saudi Arabia, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates are among the top-paying countries in the world to teach English, with salaries ranging from $2,000 to $4,000 USD a month....  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in South Korea? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

South Korea is one of the most popular destinations for teaching English abroad. Thousands of new and experienced teachers head to the country every year as it offers competitive salaries and good working conditions. When you also consider that South Korea is one of Asia's wealthiest and most developed countries, with low crime rates and a high-tech infrastructure, its' popularity comes as no surprise. The salary you can expect to earn while teaching English in South Korea will vary depending on where you work and your level of experience. The typical average monthly salaries are as follows. Public schools: First time teachers = 1.8 to 2.0 million KRW ($1,600 to $1,800 USD). Experienced teachers = 2.0 to 2.7 million KRW ($1,800 to $2,400 USD). Private schools: First time teachers = 2.0...  [Read more]

Do TEFL jobs pay well? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

English is taught as a second language all over the globe. Due to the volume of qualified teachers needed there are many great opportunities with attractive salaries just waiting to be filled in countries worldwide. TEFL teachers are usually required to have teaching qualifications and are therefore considered to be skilled workers in most areas. As a skilled foreign worker, the base salary enjoyed by a full-time ESL teacher is usually considerably higher than the country’s median wage. Experienced teachers and those with advanced-level teaching qualifications can often further enhance their claims for a higher salary. Factoring in lifestyle and living costs, countries in Southeast Asia continue to be extremely popular with our TEFL course graduates. An average teaching salary in this...  [Read more]

How much money can you make teaching English in East Asia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are looking for a region that has a huge job market for TEFL qualified teachers and you want to earn a good salary that allows you to save a considerable sum of money, look no further than East Asia. Jobs are abundant and the potential earnings are very high in countries such as Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and China. As with any destination, the salaries on offer vary considerably depending on experience, qualifications, location, and type of employment. As a guide you should expect to earn somewhere between 200,000 and 600,000 yen (currently $2,000 to $6,000) per month. If the job pays by the hour then a figure of around 2,500 yen ($25) per hour would be typical. In addition to a basic salary, most positions will also include added benefits, such as paid airfares, housing,...  [Read more]

What is the NET Scheme for teaching English in Hong Kong? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The NET (Native-speaking English Teachers) Scheme is a recruitment program initiated by the Hong Kong Education Bureau that places qualified teachers from overseas countries into state run schools. The scheme recruits hundreds of teachers every year to work in either primary or secondary level schools across the territory. The stated goal of the scheme is to share and promote innovation in teaching practice, and to provide an authentic classroom environment for local students. Participants on the scheme will receive a generous salary and extra benefits, as well as a unique opportunity to live and work in one of the most vibrant and cosmopolitan parts of Asia. To be eligible, you must be a native-English speaker or possess an exceptionally high standard of English language competence....  [Read more]

How much money can you make teaching English in Southeast Asia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Although the average salary for EFL teachers in Southeast Asia is significantly less than that of some other countries across the continent, the region still draws a large number of teachers to countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. While you might struggle to save a great deal of your earnings during your stay, you should still be able to live comfortably in your country of choice. Although the country's famously laid-back lifestyle attracts large numbers of foreign teachers, the average salary is generally less attractive when compared to other countries in the region. Teachers without experience can expect to earn around $1,000 per month, which should be enough to cover general living expenses, but is unlikely to leave much in the way of savings. Teachers with a high...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Vietnam? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Due to a government backed scheme to improve English language proficiency across the country, Vietnam has seen a boom in ESL teaching jobs in recent years. As well as having plenty of teaching positions, Vietnam also offers a great mix of cosmopolitan cities, laidback beach resorts, and lush tropical countryside. The relaxed way of life is another reason why an increasing number of teachers are deciding to move here, particularly those who are used to working in other Asian countries with a more strict approach to life and work such as South Korea, China, and Japan. With so much in its favour it is no surprise that Vietnam is currently one of the fastest growing destinations in the world for teaching English abroad. The average salary for ESL teachers in Vietnam is around $1,000 USD...  [Read more]

How much money can you make teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

There are many different reasons why people choose to teach English abroad and the chance to earn good money is certainly one of them. How much you can realistically expect to earn is largely dependent on where in the world you choose to teach. The highest salaries are generally found in the Middle East and East Asia regions where teachers can typically live well and still save a considerable sum each month. In Europe and Latin America it is harder to save money, but you should still earn enough to live comfortably. Although the country's famously laid-back lifestyle attracts large numbers of foreign teachers, the average salary is generally less attractive when compared to other countries in the region. Teachers without experience can expect to earn around $1,000 per month, which...  [Read more]

what are the best countries for tefl teachers with a passion for education? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are a TEFL teacher with a passion for education, there are several countries around the world that can provide you with a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Each country has its own unique opportunities and challenges, so it's important to consider your own preferences and goals when deciding where to teach English as a foreign language. One of the best countries for TEFL teachers is South Korea. South Korea has a high demand for English teachers, and the salaries are competitive. In addition, the cost of living is relatively low, which means that you can save a significant portion of your salary. South Korea also has a rich culture and history, which can provide you with a unique and immersive experience. Another popular destination for TEFL teachers is Japan. Japan is known for...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Thailand? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Thailand has been a very popular destination for teaching English abroad for many years, and its' popularity is unlikely to fade in the foreseeable future. A large number of teaching positions can always be found in the bustling capital Bangkok, while other popular spots such as the northern city of Chiang Mai, the tropical island of Phuket, and the colorful resort of Pattaya also have a significant demand for foreign teachers. Whether you are a first time teacher looking for valuable classroom experience, or highly qualified and looking for a slower pace of life, Thailand could be the right choice for you. Although the country's famously laid-back lifestyle attracts large numbers of foreign teachers, the average salary is generally less attractive when compared to other countries in...  [Read more]

what are the benefits of getting tefl certification for career mobility? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Obtaining a TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) certification can open up a world of opportunities for individuals seeking career mobility in the field of education. Here are some of the key benefits of getting TEFL certification: 1. Increased Employability: Having a TEFL certification makes you a more attractive candidate to potential employers, both domestically and internationally. Many schools and language institutes require their English teachers to hold a TEFL certificate, so having one can significantly increase your chances of landing a job. 2. Enhanced Teaching Skills: TEFL certification programs provide comprehensive training on teaching methodologies, lesson planning, classroom management, and language assessment. By completing a TEFL course, you will develop the skills...  [Read more]

How much money can you make teaching English in Latin America? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

How much you can expect to earn teaching English in Latin America will vary depending on the country you choose, your specific location within that country, and the individual employer. However, teachers typically earn enough to live a comfortable, middle class lifestyle. You can expect your income to cover all your daily expenses and have enough to enjoy a good social life, although you are unlikely to be able to save much during your stay. As is the case in much of Latin America, teachers generally don't come to Costa Rica purely to make money. The average salary is considerably less than you will find in other more lucrative regions such as Asia and the Middle East, at around $600 to $1,000 per month. Your earning potential will increase considerably if you have a degree, TEFL...  [Read more]

What is a typical TEFL salary when teaching online or abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

For many English speakers worldwide, teaching English abroad has recently grown to be a lucrative career path. This is largely because teaching salaries are getting more and more competitive as a result of the swiftly rising demand for the English language in many countries around the world. Additionally, online teaching opportunities have been booming, and many teachers have moved their workplace entirely to the virtual classroom. Due to a combination of high salaries, low cost of living, and a wide range of fascinating cultures to discover, Asia has long been one of the most popular regions for teachers. Traditional hotspots like South Korea and Taiwan are still well-liked since new teachers can earn between $2,000 and $2,500 per month on average, while experienced teachers can earn up...  [Read more]

Teaching English in Other Asia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs Other Asia

If you’re looking for a real world experience but need to ensure that you’ll find a TESOL job, Asia is the place for you. Asia’s market is as hot as you’re going to find anywhere in the world. When it comes to China, it’s not about finding a job; it’s about finding the right job to suit your individual tastes and needs. After China, you’ve got the Far East and Southeast Asia as well as Mongolia, the Indian subcontinent, and many of the Former Soviet Republics (FSRs). Azerbaijan, Kirgizstan and Kazakhstan are some of the better options for paying jobs and if you’re looking to volunteer, Armenia is also a good choice. TESOL positions in Asia can be divided into three main categories: private schools, university work, and freelance teaching. Universities are generally lower...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in China? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The job market for ESL teachers in China is simply huge and there is no sign that it is going to slow down anytime soon. With a rapidly growing economy and upwards of 300 million students studying English, China offers countless opportunities for foreign teachers to earn a good salary and to save a considerable amount into the bargain. Throughout the country there are a large variety of jobs available with a wide range of salaries, however, first time teachers can reasonably expect to earn between 6000 RMB and 12000 RMB per month which equates to around $1000 to $2000 US dollars. On top of the basic salary, it is also common for teachers to receive free housing or a housing allowance, as well as paid airfare in and out of the country. These added extras, plus a cost of living that...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Bulgaria? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Bulgaria is one of several countries in the Central and Eastern European region that have developed their infrastructure substantially since joining the EU in recent years. The market for English language teachers has also grown to cater for the high demand for English language skills that are essential for many local people who want to climb the career ladder in a wide variety of professions. Among the country’s many attractions are its famous Black Sea coastline, very affordable ski resorts, and its stunning natural scenery. No one would suggest that Bulgaria is a good destination for saving money or living a lavish lifestyle on a language teacher’s salary. However, that doesn’t stop people coming to explore the country’s culture, history and natural surroundings, while also...  [Read more]

Where can I join a TEFL placement program in Asia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Although teaching jobs can be arranged in Asia once you arrive in your destination of choice, in many countries it is common for jobs to be arranged in advance from within your own country. One area where this is certainly true is if you join a government run placement program. The following are the most popular programs of their kind in Asia. EPIK stands for the English Program in Korea, a scheme run by the South Korean government that places foreign teachers into schools across the country to work as English language instructors. EPIK is one of the largest and most popular schemes of its kind as it offers a competitive salary, a good range of extra benefits, and the chance to experience living and working in a unique cultural environment. If you meet the specified criteria then you...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Why Teach In Korea - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Why teach in Korea? First the Facts 2/3 of South Koreans aged 25-34 have college degree and take mandatory English classes. Koreans are obsessed with education to enable the best future for their children South Korea provides top salary to their teachers and has the highest average reading literacy of the OECD Salary for foreign English language teachers English teachers in Korea can expect to make between $1,300 and $3,000 per month. Depending on the type of educational institution, the salary varies enormously: Public Schools: 1.5-3 million won, or $1,265 - $2,500 USD, per month. Private Language Institutes: 1.9-2.3 million won, or 1,600 - $1,940 USD, per month. Universities: 2.3 - 3.5 million won, or $1,950 - $2,950 USD, per month. International Schools: 1.8 - 2.8...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Japan? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Foreign teachers have been living and working in large numbers across Japan for decades. However, a significantly increased cost of living in recent years has led to a reduction in the amount that teachers are typically able to save from their salary every month. Having said that, there are still plenty of great opportunities across the country that offer attractive salaries and other benefits, particularly in cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Yokohama. Although it is no longer the top destination for saving large amounts of money, Japan still has plenty to offer both new and experienced teachers. As with any destination, the salaries on offer vary considerably depending on experience, qualifications, location, and type of employment. As a guide you should expect to earn somewhere...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

In recent years teaching English abroad has become a popular and profitable job for many native English speakers around the world. This is largely due to the rapid increase in demand for the English language in many countries, leading to teaching salaries becoming more and more competitive. When looking for a teaching job it is always advisable to weigh up the salary on offer in comparison with the local cost of living as this can vary considerably from one country to the next. A monthly salary of US $1000 in Bolivia would allow you to live a very comfortable lifestyle, while the same salary in a city such as Barcelona would probably not be enough to provide all the comforts you had hoped for. Other benefits included in the contract are also worth noting as free housing, health...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Qatar? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

In just a few decades Qatar has grown from a largely unknown stretch of desert on the Persian Gulf, to the vibrant, international destination that it is today. The country is now a major travel hub that is developing rapidly, which goes some way to explaining why it has a huge expat population that makes up around 90% of its inhabitants. Although Qatar is a little less flashy than some others in the region, it is still a safe and comfortable place to live and work. Whatever job you choose you are likely to be teaching in a multicultural classroom that will be a great addition to your CV/resume. Like many countries in the Middle East, teachers are paid a very high salary in Qatar. Depending on the employer and your level of experience, a tax-free salary of between $2,000 and $4,000 USD...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Do I Need A Degree To Teach English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Strictly speaking the answer is no, you do not have to possess a TEFL certificate in order to find work as an English language teacher. In some countries around the world it is still possible to secure employment simply by being a native English speaker. However, there are several reasons why we would strongly recommend that you complete a TEFL training course before you set off to teach English abroad. In recent years many popular destinations for EFL teachers have begun to tighten the requirements necessary for teaching English in schools and language centers. A recognized TEFL certificate is now required in order to secure a work permit in many countries, whilst the ever growing number of teachers with a TEFL qualification means that employers in the majority of countries...  [Read more]

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