International Teachers University

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Our TEFL/TESOL Courses Are University Accredited - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Our online TEFL certification courses are accredited by leading institutions in the world of English language teaching, including the Paris University of International Education (PUIE). The PUIE is a higher education institute that is recognized by the Paris Academy as a degree-granting organization. Our certificates are actually the only 100% online TEFL certificates available that are validated, accredited and credit bearing from an internationally-recognized university. Through the PUIE our online TEFL courses have been evaluated and have successfully met all the criteria necessary to be given full accreditation by this respected institute. All ITTT in-class TEFL certification courses, no matter which of our international training centers you choose, are validated by Lamar...  [Read more]

Teaching English in Turkey - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs Turkey

Opportunities for TEFL Jobs in Turkey, especially in the bigger cities, are great. Salaries are large enough for teachers to live comfortably. Most of the TEFL job openings are in private language schools. The majority of teachers find living and teaching in Turkey an agreeable experience. You will to have at least a university degree in order to get a job here. You will find the cost of living to be very low in Turkey, and there is a legal minimum wage of approximately $450 US per month. English teachers usually make about twice that amount. The middle class in this country is very keen to learn English, and they prefer to be taught by a native speaker. This equates to more TEFL job openings than can be filled by the supply of English teachers. There are a great number of English...  [Read more]

where is the best place to get tefl certification for experienced teachers? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are an experienced teacher looking to obtain a TEFL certification, there are several reputable institutions that offer programs specifically designed for educators with teaching experience. These programs are often referred to as "Advanced TEFL Certifications" or "TEFL Certifications for Experienced Teachers." One of the best places to get TEFL certification for experienced teachers is through international organizations such as the International TEFL Academy (ITA), the University of Cambridge, or the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL). These organizations offer advanced TEFL certification programs that cater to the specific needs and interests of experienced educators. Advanced TEFL certification programs typically focus on advanced...  [Read more]

Teaching English in Thailand - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs Thailand

If you have a university degree, a well recognized TEFL certificate and you can present yourself in a professional manner, finding a TEFL Job in Thailand is as close to a guaranteed certainty as you can get. In places like Bangkok and the island of Phuket, there are far more TEFL jobs than there are teachers to fill them. All state schools are mandated to employ at least one native speaking English teacher, and a large number of schools just can’t find one, because the job market is so heavily weighted in the teacher’s favor. Teachers in Thailand are accorded a tremendous amount of respect, traditionally coming in third, just behind the king and monks. However, this respect is not indelible, and your actions can easily erase it, if you are not careful to be culturally sensitive and...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Singapore? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are looking for an exotic, modern and exciting destination for teaching English abroad, Singapore could fit the bill. This island city-state in Southeast Asia certainly has plenty to offer, from a tropical climate and fantastic local cuisine to world-class shopping and a fascinating blend of world culture. Singapore is also famous for its rapid development that has taken it from a relative backwater to one of the world’s wealthiest nations in just a single generation. Teacher’s salaries in Singapore are relatively high in comparison to its regional neighbors. Depending on your qualifications and level of experience you can typically earn between $2,700 and $3,500 USD per month. Most jobs will involve around 20 to 25 teaching hours per week, plus additional preparation time. It...  [Read more]

where is the best place to get tefl certification for online teaching? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

When it comes to getting TEFL certification for online teaching, there are several reputable options available. One of the best places to consider is the International TEFL Academy (ITA). ITA offers a comprehensive online TEFL course that is internationally recognized and accredited. The course covers all the essential aspects of teaching English as a foreign language, including lesson planning, classroom management, and language assessment. Another top choice for online TEFL certification is the University of Toronto’s TEFL Online program. This program is designed for both new and experienced teachers looking to enhance their skills in teaching English online. The University of Toronto is a globally recognized institution, so completing your TEFL certification through their program...  [Read more]

who offers the best tefl certification for specialized teaching? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

When it comes to obtaining a TEFL certification for specialized teaching, it is essential to choose a reputable and recognized provider that offers a program tailored to your specific needs. Several institutions are known for providing high-quality TEFL certifications for specialized teaching, each with its unique features and benefits. One of the top choices for specialized TEFL certification is the International Teacher Training Organization (ITTO). ITTO offers a range of specialized TEFL courses, including programs focusing on teaching young learners, business English, exam preparation, and more. Their courses are designed to provide teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their chosen specialization. Another popular option is the University of Toronto's TEFL Online...  [Read more]

Teaching English in Philippines - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs Philippines

If your seek a TEFL job in the Philippines, you are encouraged to look closely at your options before moving there. Some schools advertise job openings on the internet on the various TEFL websites, and it’s recommended that you try to arrange for interviews while still in your home country, although most employers will prefer to do this in person. Because English is so widely spoken in this country, there are a great many qualified Filipino English teachers, so it will take more diligence on your part to secure a position. If you are a U.S. citizen your chances are increased. The majority of TEFL jobs in the Philippines exist with private language schools, larger companies and international schools. Most students at international schools are Japanese or Korean. Some privately run and...  [Read more]

How to teach English in Asia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are looking for the widest choice of English language teaching jobs, look no further than Asia. Across the continent you will find countless opportunities in a wide range of fascinating countries, although the requirements do vary from one to the next. Some countries are only open to native English speakers and others will require a university degree, however, there are still plenty of jobs out there for anyone with a TEFL certification. Teaching English in South Korea has become increasingly popular over the last decade and it is no secret that the country offers some of the best salaries for foreign teachers to be found anywhere in the world. English teachers in Korea can expect to earn between $1,500 and $3,000 per month and it is certainly possible to save up to half of this...  [Read more]

What type of teachers get paid the most? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), also known as teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL), is a rewarding profession that needs commitment and love. Luckily, you also won't have to sacrifice a good salary! We are sure you are curious about what type of teachers earn the most when teaching abroad, so let's have a look. The simple answer is your potential salary often depends on three main factors: your qualifications, the country you teach in, and the type of school you work for. The fact is, TEFL and TESOL certified teachers earn higher salaries compared to teachers without a certificate. Saudi Arabia, Japan, and the United Arab Emirates are among the top-paying countries in the world to teach English, with salaries ranging from $2,000 to $4,000 USD a month....  [Read more]

What does TEFL and TESOL stand for? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

These acronyms are used when referring to training courses that English language teachers undertake, as well as the certification they receive upon completion. TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. As these terms are essentially the same, they are often used interchangeably, however, TEFL is most commonly used within the UK and TESOL is usually preferred in the USA. Although some countries may favor one acronym over the other, it is important to remember that a TEFL certification and a TESOL certification are exactly the same thing as the training involved is identical. Although TEFL and TESOL training courses are identical and the acronyms are generally used interchangeably, there is a technical...  [Read more]

what is the best tefl course for teaching in high-need areas? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

When considering the best TEFL course for teaching in high-need areas, it is crucial to look for programs that offer specialized training in areas such as classroom management, teaching students with diverse learning needs, and creating engaging lesson plans. High-need areas often present unique challenges, and teachers must be well-prepared to address them effectively. One highly recommended option is the CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) course. Developed by the University of Cambridge, this intensive program provides comprehensive training in all aspects of teaching English as a foreign language. CELTA courses are recognized worldwide and are highly regarded by employers in high-need areas. Another excellent choice is the TEFL certification offered...  [Read more]

How much money can you make teaching English in Southeast Asia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Although the average salary for EFL teachers in Southeast Asia is significantly less than that of some other countries across the continent, the region still draws a large number of teachers to countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. While you might struggle to save a great deal of your earnings during your stay, you should still be able to live comfortably in your country of choice. Although the country's famously laid-back lifestyle attracts large numbers of foreign teachers, the average salary is generally less attractive when compared to other countries in the region. Teachers without experience can expect to earn around $1,000 per month, which should be enough to cover general living expenses, but is unlikely to leave much in the way of savings. Teachers with a high...  [Read more]

where can i teach english with a tefl certificate in south america? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is a rewarding career that offers opportunities to work in various countries around the world, including South America. With a TEFL certificate, you can explore different job options in countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Peru, among others. South America has a high demand for English teachers, making it an attractive destination for those looking to teach English abroad. Brazil, as the largest country in South America, offers numerous opportunities for English teachers. Major cities like São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Brasília have a high demand for English language instruction in language schools, private institutes, and businesses. Additionally, the Brazilian government's English without Borders program provides...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Kuwait? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

As knowledge of the English language has become increasingly important in the country and it is one of the richest nations in the Middle East, Kuwait is full of opportunities for TEFL certified teachers. There are plenty of jobs on offer, from kindergarten level all the way through to university and beyond. Kuwait City is the main hub of the country where you will find all the comforts you would expect from a modern capital. However, you will also find rich Arab culture, fascinating archaeological sites, white sandy beaches, and a vast desert terrain that is waiting to be explored. As you might expect from an oil rich country, teaching jobs in Kuwait typically offer very competitive salaries. The average monthly salary for the majority of teachers is between $2,500 and $4,000 USD. Most...  [Read more]

where is the best place to find tefl teaching internships? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

When looking for TEFL teaching internships, there are several reputable sources that you can explore to find the best opportunities. One of the most common places to start your search is through online job boards and websites that specialize in advertising teaching positions abroad. Websites like Dave's ESL Cafe,, and are popular platforms that regularly post TEFL internship opportunities from around the world. Another excellent resource is to directly contact TEFL course providers and language schools in the country or region where you are interested in teaching. Many of these institutions offer internship programs for newly certified teachers, providing valuable hands-on experience in the classroom. By reaching out to them directly, you may discover internship...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Saudi Arabia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

For some teachers, Saudi Arabia offers the ideal destination for teaching English abroad as salaries and benefit packages are as good as you will find anywhere in the world. Demand for qualified and experienced teachers is strong in cities such as Riyadh and Jeddah, where universities, colleges, international schools, and private language academies offer a variety of teaching positions. While Saudi Arabia is one of the most attractive teaching destinations in terms of income, it is important to be aware of the cultural situation before you decide to head there. The country's conservative laws and traditions mean it is not an ideal destination for some teachers. Alcohol is forbidden and interaction between unmarried couples is not permitted, including between foreigners. Female teachers...  [Read more]

Can I teach English abroad without a degree? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you don’t possess a university degree, it is still possible to teach English in a foreign country. Regardless of your academic background, there are countless language schools out there that will happily hire you. Even though a degree opens more doors and opportunities, there really is no reason to give up on your dream of teaching English abroad if you do not have one. We at ITTT believe that having a degree is not the most important thing when considering a career in language teaching. Instead, certain qualities, like passion, dedication, and the ability to establish a connection with your students, may be argued to be far more important in this career than a university degree. However, you should still possess the right skills and know-how for leading a successful classroom. This...  [Read more]

What is the difference between TEFL, TESOL and CELTA? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The world of English language teaching is well known for its love of acronyms and unfortunately this can lead to a large amount of confusion amongst potential teachers, as well as those with plenty of experience in the field. Websites for course providers, job boards, recruitment programs, and any other teaching related information you might look at are likely to be littered with acronyms, including TEFL, TESOL, and CELTA. So what is the difference between these terms? Short for Teaching English as a Foreign Language, TEFL is probably the most common acronym you will come across when conducting research for teaching English abroad. TEFL does not refer to a single training program, certification, or program provider but is simply a catch-all term for training courses and certification...  [Read more]

How much money can you make teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

There are many different reasons why people choose to teach English abroad and the chance to earn good money is certainly one of them. How much you can realistically expect to earn is largely dependent on where in the world you choose to teach. The highest salaries are generally found in the Middle East and East Asia regions where teachers can typically live well and still save a considerable sum each month. In Europe and Latin America it is harder to save money, but you should still earn enough to live comfortably. Although the country's famously laid-back lifestyle attracts large numbers of foreign teachers, the average salary is generally less attractive when compared to other countries in the region. Teachers without experience can expect to earn around $1,000 per month, which...  [Read more]

Can you teach online with a TEFL certificate? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

You are ready to jump into teaching ESL online, but do you require a TEFL certificate to land a good online teaching job? Generally, the answer is yes, a TEFL certificate is required or considered an asset for the majority of the highest-paying online teaching jobs. Even though it might not be a requirement for all teaching platforms out there, your pay when teaching online as a certified TEFL teacher will be higher with certification than without certification. Completing a TEFL course also gives you the confidence and abilities necessary to teach someone a foreign language, which is no simple undertaking! Aside from a TEFL certificate, there are a few other requirements for teaching English online, which we will explore here. In most cases, you will need to meet the following...  [Read more]

who offers the best tefl certification for flexible learning? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

When it comes to finding the best TEFL certification for flexible learning, there are several reputable institutions that offer online courses designed to accommodate the needs of busy individuals. One of the top providers in the field is the International TEFL Academy (ITA). ITA offers a comprehensive online TEFL course that allows students to study at their own pace and from anywhere in the world. The course is accredited and includes a combination of theoretical modules, practical teaching components, and personalized feedback from experienced instructors. Another highly recommended option for flexible TEFL certification is the University of Toronto's TEFL Online program. This program is designed for individuals who require a more flexible study schedule and offers a combination of...  [Read more]

Teaching English in Taiwan - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs Taiwan

In terms of earning a good salary, Taiwan is one of the best locations in which to work. Hard-working teachers who are willing to work extra hours can expect to save much more each month than they would be able to in their home country. TEFL jobs are available in state universities and bushibans, or private language schools. Bushibans can be found all over Taiwan and a large percentage of TEFL teachers find work at one of these settings. As long as you have a university degree, a well recognized TEFL certificate such as that offered by TEFL International, and you are a native-English speaker getting a TEFL Job in Taiwan should be no problem at all. ITTT recommends Reach To Teach Recruiting for teaching positions in Taiwan. They are the only fully licensed and legally owned foreign...  [Read more]

where can i get a tefl certificate online? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are looking to obtain a TEFL certificate online, there are numerous reputable institutions that offer such programs. These online TEFL courses provide flexibility and convenience for individuals who wish to pursue a career in teaching English as a foreign language. When choosing an online TEFL course, it is essential to consider factors such as accreditation, course content, duration, and cost. One option for obtaining a TEFL certificate online is through international organizations such as the International TEFL Academy, the TEFL Institute, or the TEFL Org. These institutions offer comprehensive online TEFL courses that are accredited and recognized worldwide. Accreditation is a crucial factor to consider when selecting an online TEFL course as it ensures that the program meets...  [Read more]

What visa do I need to teach English in Europe? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you plan on heading to Europe to teach English it is important that you are aware of the regulations regarding visas and work permits in your chosen destination. The visa situation varies from one country to the next and may also depend on your own nationality. Because of this, we recommend that you visit the relevant embassy website to get the most up to date information before you make any final travel plans. As Spain is a member of the European Union, teachers from other EU member states do not need a visa to live and work legally in Spain. However, you will still need to apply for a residency permit and a tax number on arrival in the country. The application process should be straightforward and you can usually expect your employer to help you through it. For non-EU citizens,...  [Read more]

What can I do with a 120-hour TEFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are interested in applying for overseas teaching jobs, you will almost certainly come across something called Teaching English as a Foreign Language, or TEFL, certification. As a result, you are probably wondering if getting a TEFL certification is a good idea. Regardless of your other qualifications and experience, a TEFL certification is always a valuable addition to your resume. Furthermore, it will set you apart from the competition in the eyes of principals and hiring managers all over the world. Even if a TEFL certificate is not required for a specific position, it is always a huge plus and preference. A TEFL certificate opens doors to exciting opportunities in teaching English as a foreign language in countries all around the world. The most common requirement is 120 hours of...  [Read more]

What is an ESL teacher? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Globalization and the increasing demand for English speaking professionals all over the world, especially in emerging regions, has brought about a new, steadily growing sector: English as a Second Language (ESL). An ESL teacher is, therefore, an educator who works with English Language Learners (ELLs) whose native language is not English. The goal of the ESL teacher is to help the students reach a certain level of fluency in English, on both a spoken and written level. ESL educators are not to be confused with foreign language teachers. ESL teachers do not share the same native language and are specifically trained to offer explanations and directed teaching methods to non-English speakers. This teaching style is mainly focused on repetition, drills, demonstrations, and visuals. ...  [Read more]

EFL & ESL Jobs - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Prospects for Teaching English Abroad

Feel free to click on the links below for information regarding TEFL jobs in specific countries and regions. Many of the most popular teaching destinations are listed and we literally have thousands of employers on file from countries all over the world. Once you have earned your TEFL certificate, you will be qualified for a huge range of TEFL related jobs. There are many online resources with hundreds of vacancies listed and you will be provided with a comprehensive list of these resources after you have enrolled in the course. Throughout your teaching career, we will help guide you into the right job that meets your needs. With our well established reputation around the world, you might even be hired before you finish the course. With our assistance, our graduates have a head start on...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Japan? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Foreign teachers have been living and working in large numbers across Japan for decades. However, a significantly increased cost of living in recent years has led to a reduction in the amount that teachers are typically able to save from their salary every month. Having said that, there are still plenty of great opportunities across the country that offer attractive salaries and other benefits, particularly in cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Yokohama. Although it is no longer the top destination for saving large amounts of money, Japan still has plenty to offer both new and experienced teachers. As with any destination, the salaries on offer vary considerably depending on experience, qualifications, location, and type of employment. As a guide you should expect to earn somewhere...  [Read more]

Are visas necessary when teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Before you head to the airport to start your TEFL journey it is important that you are aware of the paperwork required by the country you are planning to work in. The specific type of visa you need to gain entry to your destination country and how you gain the right to work legally there can vary enormously from one place to the next. To ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible, you should visit the relevant embassy website and do a bit of online research well before you plan to leave. Typically, anyone traveling to a foreign country requires a passport that is valid for at least six months. In some situations your passport must be valid for a full year, so the best advice is to ensure your passport has two years or more remaining to allow for an extended teaching contract or...  [Read more]

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