I Live K�ln

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CELTA & Trinity Courses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Work and Live Abroad! ITTT

Home > CELTA and Trinity Courses On top of all our other course options, ITTT now offers four-week in-class CELTA and Trinity College CertTESOL courses that are conducted by independent organisations in several great locations around the world. Both of these course options are outlined below. The full-time CELTA course involves 120 contact hours divided into 6 hour days for a 20 day period. Completion requires the following: The CELTA course covers the following topics: OTP sessions involve each trainee teaching real lessons under the supervision of a course tutor. In total you will teach six hours of lessons that are between 40 and 60 minutes in length. Immediately following each class the trainee will receive a thorough debrief from the tutor who will provide clear feedback that...  [Read more]

how can i get tefl-certified if i live in a remote area? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Getting TEFL-certified while living in a remote area can be challenging, but it is definitely possible with the variety of online options available today. Online TEFL courses offer flexibility and convenience, allowing you to study from anywhere with an internet connection. Here is a comprehensive guide on how you can get TEFL-certified even if you live in a remote area: 1. **Research Online TEFL Courses**: Start by researching reputable online TEFL course providers. Look for courses that are accredited by recognized organizations such as the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET) or the British Council. 2. **Check Course Requirements**: Ensure that you meet the course requirements, such as having a high school diploma or equivalent, proficiency in English, and a...  [Read more]

How will I find a place to live when I teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

For both newly qualified and experienced teachers, one common concern when planning to teach English abroad is how to find accommodation that is comfortable, in a safe location and suitable for your personal needs. The good news is you are unlikely to be the first foreign teacher in the area you are heading for, so you will probably have several options to choose from. Here we break down the most common aspects of organizing accommodation when teaching abroad. For many teachers, accommodation is not an issue as employers often provide housing as part of the teaching contract. Schools in countries such as China and South Korea, as well as many countries in the Middle East, routinely provide some form of free or subsidized accommodation. If you sign-up for a government-run recruitment...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - How Will I Find A Place To Live When I Teach English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Whether you prefer the privacy of your own apartment, the cost effectiveness of house sharing, or the home comforts of living with a host family, there are likely to be several options to choose from wherever you intend teaching English abroad.  [Read more]

TEFL And TESOL Courses Without Geographical Limitations - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  One of the main advantages of an online TEFL certification course is that it can be taken from anywhere in the world, providing you have an internet connection and a device to run it on. Even if you suffer from bad internet or do not have regular online access, you can simply download the course materials to your device and work offline or print them out and study anywhere you prefer. You can complete all your study on a home PC or you can choose to work with a laptop, tablet, or smartphone in any location. If you like flexibility, then our online TEFL courses are perfect for you. When and how much you study is also entirely up to you, as there are no set timetables or any specific times when you need to be online. This is particularly important as our trainees are spread all over...  [Read more]

how do i prepare for living in a foreign country as a tefl teacher? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Preparing to live in a foreign country as a TEFL teacher can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some essential steps to help you prepare for this new adventure: Research the Country: Before moving to a new country, it is crucial to research and understand its culture, customs, and local laws. This will help you adapt more easily to your new surroundings and avoid cultural misunderstandings. Learn the Language: While you may be teaching English, it is beneficial to learn the local language of the country you will be living in. This will not only help you communicate with locals but also show respect for their culture. Obtain the Necessary Documentation: Make sure you have all the required visas, permits, and...  [Read more]

How do I prepare for living in a non-English speaking country? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Living in a non-English speaking country can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its challenges. Here are some tips on how to prepare for living in a non-English speaking country: First and foremost, it's essential to have a basic understanding of the local language. Even if it's just a few key phrases, knowing how to greet people, ask for directions, or order food can go a long way in helping you navigate your new environment. Consider taking a language course before you move or using language learning apps to familiarize yourself with the language. Research the culture and customs of the country you will be living in. Understanding the social norms, traditions, and etiquette can help you avoid cultural misunderstandings and make a good impression on the...  [Read more]

Where are the cheapest places to teach TEFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

It is a common misconception that teaching English abroad requires a large amount of money up front before you even start earning. While you will need to cover the cost of your TEFL certification and get yourself to the destination you have chosen to work in, you should soon start earning enough to get those outlays back quickly. However, in some destinations the cost of living is so high that it can seem like you are constantly hemorrhaging money. So where can you teach English and live well on just a small budget? Here we look at some of the cheapest destinations for teaching English abroad. Thailand makes an appearance on many lists of the best places to teach English abroad for various reasons and one is its relatively low cost of living. Although the average salary for English...  [Read more]

Is it safe for single women to teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Yes, not only is it safe for women to teach English abroad, it is also extremely popular. Every year there are somewhere in the region of 150,000 women working as ESL teachers in countries all over the world. Of these, the majority will find themselves living in modern, thriving cities across Europe, Asia and Latin America that have a similar level of infrastructure and amenities to what they are used to back home. Whether in Rome, Beijing, or Santiago, new teachers will almost certainly find there is an expat community of English speakers who are more than happy to provide local knowledge and information to help them settle into their new life overseas. Unfortunately, nowhere is 100% safe all of the time, but with a few simple precautions single women can head off to teach English...  [Read more]

Do TEFL certificates expire? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

No, TEFL certificates do not expire, they are valid for life. Once you have completed your course, either online or by attending a training center, you will be able to start work straight away or set off on your travels and use it later when your funds starts to get low. A TEFL certificate really is a great qualification to have in your backpack or briefcase as you can use it to earn a good income at any time, in any part of the world. Although your certification will never expire, we do recommend that you continue to develop your skills and knowledge as you progress in your teaching career. Additional courses such as an advanced TEFL Diploma or a specialized certificate in teaching business English or teaching young learners will build on your existing skills, allowing you to deliver...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Why Should I Teach Efl - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Teaching English offers the chance for anyone who has good English skills, a passion for education, and an adventurous spirit, to really make a difference to their own lives and the lives of others. Once TEFL qualified you will be able to start teaching in the location of your choice.  [Read more]

How will I make friends while teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Of the tens of thousands of people who head overseas every year to teach English abroad, the vast majority will have some level of anxiety about meeting new people and making new friends. The good news is that most teachers soon forget these concerns once they are immersed in their new environment. The chances are high that you will not be the only foreign teacher in your new school, apartment building, or neighborhood. As well as other teachers, you can also expect to meet friendly and welcoming people from the local community who will be more than happy to help you settle into your new home. One obvious source of friendship in your new life overseas will be your place of work. The majority of teachers will find there are other foreign teachers working in the same school, many of whom...  [Read more]

How do I get a job teaching English in Thailand? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Thailand is firmly established as one of Asia's must-see destinations and is a favorite stop for many on the traditional backpacker trail. For those who want to stay on for an extended visit the good news is there is a healthy demand for English language teachers in many parts of the country. Although wages may not match those found in some of the region's teaching hotspots, you can still earn enough to live a comfortable lifestyle and to enjoy all that this beautiful country has to offer. In the past it was almost the norm for teachers to work ?under the table' without a proper work permit, however, those days are largely gone and you now need to have the necessary paperwork in place if you want to earn a good salary. To be granted a work permit you need to possess a degree in any...  [Read more]

TEFL, where can I teach? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Completing a TEFL certification course brings many benefits and one of the most popular is that you get to choose exactly which country or region you want to live and work in. As the demand for English language instruction is so strong in many parts of the world, there is never any shortage of job options for TEFL qualified teachers. From tropical countries in Asia to the cooler climes of Northern Europe, there will be something to suit everyone. Whether you prefer a bustling major city or something more off the beaten path, there is sure to be the perfect destination out there waiting for you. This vast continent is home to the largest number of TEFL jobs of any region in the world. Countries such as China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan all have thriving markets for foreign teachers with...  [Read more]

How can I save money while teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Although financial gain is not the biggest driving force for most people heading overseas to work as an ESL teacher, being able to live comfortably and to enjoy as many new experiences as possible without money worries is usually a high priority. To give yourself the best opportunity to earn a good salary and the chance to save enough to pay off debts or to fund further travel and adventure, there are a few things you can do prior to departure and once you arrive in your country of choice. When it comes to salaries and earning potential, one of the most important things you can do prior to departure is to complete an internationally recognized TEFL certification course. TEFL certification is increasingly expected by employers in many of the most popular countries, particularly those...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Are Visas Necessary When Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  The type of visa you require when teaching English abroad largely depends on the country that you choose to live and work in. The rules and regulations vary enormously so it is important that you do some research in advance of your departure date.  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - How Do I Become A Tefl Teacher In The Uk - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  One of the best things about becoming a TEFL qualified teacher is you get to choose where in the world you would like to live and work. However, if the UK is your dream destination, you might find it a little tougher than you hoped. TEFL related jobs are relatively common, but most of these will be filled by UK citizens who do not require any paperwork such as work permits and visas.  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - How Much Can I Earn Teaching English In Cambodia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Salaries in Cambodia are modest in comparison with China, South Korea, and Japan, however, a low cost of living means it is possible to live comfortably on a teacher's pay. Salaries vary but an inexperienced teacher can reasonably expect to earn around $1,000 to $1,200 USD per month.  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - How Much Can I Earn Teaching English In Singapore - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  The market for teachers in Singapore is very competitive as the salaries are high at $2,700 to $3,500 USD per month and it is a very desirable place to live and work. Ideally you should look for jobs that include free housing or a housing allowance as rents are also typically very high.  [Read more]

Are visas necessary when teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Before you head to the airport to start your TEFL journey it is important that you are aware of the paperwork required by the country you are planning to work in. The specific type of visa you need to gain entry to your destination country and how you gain the right to work legally there can vary enormously from one place to the next. To ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible, you should visit the relevant embassy website and do a bit of online research well before you plan to leave. Typically, anyone traveling to a foreign country requires a passport that is valid for at least six months. In some situations your passport must be valid for a full year, so the best advice is to ensure your passport has two years or more remaining to allow for an extended teaching contract or...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Singapore? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are looking for an exotic, modern and exciting destination for teaching English abroad, Singapore could fit the bill. This island city-state in Southeast Asia certainly has plenty to offer, from a tropical climate and fantastic local cuisine to world-class shopping and a fascinating blend of world culture. Singapore is also famous for its rapid development that has taken it from a relative backwater to one of the world’s wealthiest nations in just a single generation. Teacher’s salaries in Singapore are relatively high in comparison to its regional neighbors. Depending on your qualifications and level of experience you can typically earn between $2,700 and $3,500 USD per month. Most jobs will involve around 20 to 25 teaching hours per week, plus additional preparation time. It...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Bulgaria? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Bulgaria is one of several countries in the Central and Eastern European region that have developed their infrastructure substantially since joining the EU in recent years. The market for English language teachers has also grown to cater for the high demand for English language skills that are essential for many local people who want to climb the career ladder in a wide variety of professions. Among the country’s many attractions are its famous Black Sea coastline, very affordable ski resorts, and its stunning natural scenery. No one would suggest that Bulgaria is a good destination for saving money or living a lavish lifestyle on a language teacher’s salary. However, that doesn’t stop people coming to explore the country’s culture, history and natural surroundings, while also...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Malaysia? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Situated just north of the Equator, Malaysia is a tropical destination that has plenty to offer TEFL qualified teachers. The country’s rapid development, diverse culture, and great food are all major attractions. The government is also keen to recruit more English teachers in the coming years, ensuring plenty of opportunities for international teachers. As there are a large number of local English language teachers, competition for jobs is relatively strong, but they are available for those who want them. Salaries in Malaysia are not in the same league as some other Asian countries such as China, Japan, or South Korea, with an average wage being around $1, 000 USD per month. However, the cost of living is relatively low so this figure can go a long way if you live a normal lifestyle....  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Is It Safe For Single Women To Teach English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  The good news for anyone who is thinking about heading overseas to live and work is providing you do plenty of research and planning in advance, and employ some common sense on arrival, there should be no reason to worry about your safety when teaching English abroad.  [Read more]

How do I get a job teaching English in Greece? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

With long summers and mild winters, countless sandy beaches, a laid-back lifestyle, great food, and hundreds of islands to explore, Greece has been a popular teaching destination for many years. Unfortunately, the country’s recent economic woes have had a negative impact on the number of available jobs and it may be sometime before it fully recovers. However, there are still plenty of teaching positions on offer if you are willing to seek them out and you fit the necessary criteria. Due to the economic problems in recent times there has been a reduction in the number of teaching jobs on offer across Greece. This reduction means that employers are now more picky about who they choose to fill vacant positions. Also, it has become increasingly difficult for non-EU citizens to obtain the...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - How To Save Money While Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  If you are keen to save money while teaching overseas there are a few things that can make a big difference, such as which country you head to, where you choose to live, and how you choose to spend your hard earned salary.  [Read more]

Can over 50s teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

If you are over 50 and looking to liven things up and add a bit of adventure into your life, teaching English abroad could be the perfect answer. For many people turning 50 can be a time to really consider your place in the world and plenty of people decide that hitting the road is the way to go. Sure, you can quit your job and jump on a plane to explore the world, but how about earning some money while doing it and even making a positive change to other peoples lives at the same time? The short and simple answer to this common question is YES, there is very little stopping almost anyone of any age from teaching English overseas. Although it is true that most government-run teaching programs such as those found in Japan, South Korea, France, and Spain, have an age limit that restricts...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - English Grammar Overview Parts Of Speech Verb Tenses - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  It also helps us form our tenses. Many of the tenses will use these auxiliary verbs; particularly we have our continuous tense and our perfect tense. There are additional tenses that use auxiliary verbs. We'll get into that when we talk about our individual tenses. Another important aspect of our verbs is that they generally tell us what tense the sentence has been formed in. Take for instance the verb "to live." We could use it as live, lives, living or lived. "I live" or "she lives in Bangkok," meaning the present. "I am living in Bangkok," still the present or "I lived in Bangkok," meaning the past. Another difference with our verbs has to do with whether or not the verb is regular or irregular. With the regular verbs, in order to conjugate the verb into the past, we simply...  [Read more]

How do I find accommodation when teaching abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Finding accommodation when teaching abroad is an essential part of the planning process. Here are some tips to help you secure a place to live while teaching English as a foreign language. First, many schools and language centers that hire foreign teachers offer accommodation as part of the employment package. This can be a convenient option as it eliminates the need to search for housing on your own. Make sure to inquire about this possibility during the interview process. If your employer does not provide accommodation, there are still several options available to you. One popular choice is to use websites and platforms that specialize in helping expats find housing in foreign countries. Websites like Airbnb,, and Craigslist can be good starting points to look for short-term...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Mexico? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Mexico is a hugely popular destination for teaching English abroad due to its booming job market, vibrant culture, diverse and beautiful landscapes, and the worldwide popularity of its cuisine. The country’s close ties to its neighbour the USA, also ensures Mexico has a very strong demand for the English language in every town and city, no matter how big or small. Although a teacher’s salary is much less than you would earn in the US, the low cost of living means that what you earn goes a whole lot further. Your income will vary depending on the type of job you secure and the location in which you choose to live and work. On average, you can expect to earn between $500 and $1,000 USD per month. When looking for a job, it is best to shop around to find the best deal as hourly rates can...  [Read more]

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