Ef Teach English Abroad

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! FAQs - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Frequently Asked Questions

Here at ITTT, we will do all we can to ensure your entire TEFL training experience is as straightforward and rewarding as possible. If you have any questions regarding our courses, please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section below. Our FAQ section should clear up most of your queries but if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by submitting them via the form provided at the bottom of this page. What does TEFL mean?    The acronym TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. It is commonly used to refer to training courses that almost anyone can take to learn the skills and knowledge required to teach English to non-native speakers in countries all over the world. What is the difference between TESOL and...  [Read more]

Can I teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Almost anyone who has the desire to teach English abroad can make their dream come true. Although you will find some restrictions regarding teaching experience and academic qualifications in some countries, there are plenty of great destinations around the world where a TEFL certificate is all that is required. Whatever your background, work history, or age, there is the perfect teaching job waiting for you somewhere in the world. Yes, you can start a new career teaching English abroad without any form of teaching experience. Due to a huge demand for English language teachers in countries all over the world, tens of thousands of English speakers head overseas every year to work in a variety of different classrooms. Of this number, approximately 90% will have never worked in any kind of...  [Read more]

Can TEFL be a career? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Anyone who is thinking about teaching English abroad has most likely received a response along the lines of "Oh, how fun, but what will you do when you get back?" Some people believe that teaching English as a foreign language is not a "real job" but rather something that people do to pay off student debt or simply for fun before settling down into a "normal" job and lifestyle. Many people decide to teach English abroad for these reasons, but there are also many who have made a successful and lucrative career out of it. Yes, you can pursue a long-term career as an EFL teacher. For the vast majority of people who travel abroad to teach English, it all begins with a simple desire to see some of the world while earning some money. After a while, many people realize that they enjoy and are...  [Read more]

What are the requirements for TEFL certification? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

To teach English abroad all you truly need is a strong desire to embark on a new adventure and a teaching qualification that demonstrates to potential employers that you have received some level of teacher training. In this context, the internationally recognized qualification is a TEFL certificate, and these courses typically have minimal entry requirements. Having a strong level of English comprehension is the most fundamental requirement for enrolling in a TEFL certification course. Non-native English speakers are just as welcome as native speakers, provided they possess a solid understanding of written and spoken English. The demand for EFL teachers worldwide is immense, and there is frequently a shortage of qualified teachers in numerous regions. Thanks to this robust...  [Read more]

Are there any age limits for TEFL teaching? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

The good news is there is no real age restrictions on who can take a TEFL course and then go on to teach English abroad. At ITTT we do require you to be at least 18 years old to enroll on our courses but there are certainly no upper age limits. Over the years we have successfully trained people of all ages, many of whom have gone on to have successful careers as English language teachers. As long as you are a native or near-native English speaker who is keen to learn new skills and is open to new ideas, then your age should be no barrier to your success. Although a large number of new TEFL graduates are in their 20s, it doesn't mean they are always the most sought after by employers. Yes, there are many employers around the world who are only interested in recruiting younger teachers...  [Read more]

Does TEFL get you a job? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Do you want to teach English abroad, but are not sure if a TEFL certificate is going to get you there? The good news is that, as most countries and individual employers do not require an advanced teaching license, a TEFL certificate is usually enough to land a job in many areas. In some countries a bachelor's degree is also required, but there are still plenty of others where having a TEFL certificate is all you need. It is estimated that over a billion individuals are learning English around the world. This, paired with an English teacher shortage in many countries, is fantastic news for TEFL teachers because it demonstrates that TEFL jobs are widely available all around the world. Teachers who take a TEFL course will have a wide range of choices in the international job market. They can...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Modal Verb Have To - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  This video is a sample EFL lesson in a real-life classroom setting abroad. In the video, you can see an engage phase of a lesson about the modal verb "have to". The teacher uses a lot of gestures and objects to demonstrate the grammar point. This is especially helpful for English students abroad to be able to grasp the content of the lesson quickly and effectively. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next. This unit was difficult for me as a non...  [Read more]

What is TEFL teaching? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Teaching English abroad is a great way to see the world and get paid while doing it, but what does it actually involve? Before you buy a plane ticket and jet off across the world it is a good idea to research as much as possible about TEFL qualifications, the possible restrictions you might encounter when applying for jobs, and the long term prospects this path might lead to. Here we look at the answers to all these questions and more. These acronyms are used when referring to training courses that English language teachers undertake, as well as the certification they receive upon completion. TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. As these terms are essentially the same, they are often used...  [Read more]

TEFL TESOL: Happy Course Graduates in Rome - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

italy is one of the most attractive countries to teach English in Europe. Every year, hundreds of new teachers come to italy to pursue a teaching career. Our in-class TEFL/TESOL training course in Rome is a great way to kick off your career in EFL teaching abroad. Just like these recent TEFL graduates, you can join our four-week program in Rome and learn how to become a confident English teacher. After the intensive month-long training, you will graduate with an internationally recognized teaching qualification and are ready to live abroad.  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Are There Any Age Limits For Tefl Teaching - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  The good news is there is no real age restrictions on who can take a TEFL course and then go on to teach English abroad. At ITTT we do require you to be at least 18 years old to enroll on our courses but there are certainly no upper age limits. Over the years we have successfully trained people of all ages, many of whom have gone on to have successful careers as English language teachers. As long as you are a native or near-native English speaker who is keen to learn new skills and is open to new ideas, then your age should be no barrier to your success. Although a large number of new TEFL graduates are in their 20s, it doesn't mean they are always the most sought after by employers. Yes, there are many employers around the world who are only interested in recruiting younger...  [Read more]

What does Level 6 TEFL mean? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

We know it can be difficult to sort through the various TEFL certification courses available on the market. That is why we are here to explain the various levels of TEFL courses. The general characteristics of the frameworks are frequently tied to a variety of elements, including the total amount of study hours, the certification type, if the program contains a practical component, and the study technique applied (full-time or part-time study). A level 6 TEFL course is near the top of the framework, making it one of the most advanced TEFL credentials available. A level 6 TEFL qualification is equivalent to an undergraduate or bachelor’s degree. With this level of TEFL certification, better-paying TEFL jobs are easier to come by, whether online or abroad. A level 6 qualification will also...  [Read more]

What is the best platform to teach English online? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Teaching English online is now firmly embedded in the TEFL world and many thousands of teachers find it a convenient way to earn a living without having to leave home or when traveling the world. However, despite not actually working in a physical classroom, online teachers still have to meet the same kind of criteria as those working in a traditional classroom environment. So, what do you need in order to take advantage of this rapidly growing sector of EFL teaching? The requirements for teaching online vary from one employer to the next, but there are a few common factors that many look for. Most online employers will expect you to have completed a TEFL course of at least 120 hours as this is the minimum level needed to cover all the most important areas of EFL teaching. If you also...  [Read more]

Issue Your Own Certificates - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Another great benefit of completing a TEFL course with ITTT is that you can issue your students with a high-quality certificate of completion once they have finished a series of lessons. Your certificates allow you to fill out the name of the student, the level of the classes they attended, and the number of study hours. The certificates also have a unique identification number and a section where you can include your own ITTT TEFL certification number. Once issued, your students and anyone who takes an interest in their English language skills will be able to see that they were taught by a legitimate EFL teacher. Being in a position to issue official certificates of course completion is a great way to stand out from the crowd if you are working in an area where the competition...  [Read more]

Is TEFL a good career choice? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Anyone who has considered teaching English abroad has probably had a reaction from a friend or family member along the lines of “that sounds like fun, but what will you do when you get back?” In some quarters, teaching English as a foreign language has the reputation of not being a ‘real job’, just something that people do to pay off student loans or simply for fun and adventure before settling down into a normal job and lifestyle. There are many people who do choose teaching abroad for these reasons, but there are also plenty who have made a successful and lucrative career out of TEFL. YES, you absolutely can have a long-term career as an EFL teacher. For the majority of people who head overseas to teach English, it all starts with a small idea to see a bit of the world while...  [Read more]

ITTT Has Been A Leading TEFL Course Provider Since 1998

  Since 1998, ITTT has been offering high-quality TEFL courses in a range of different formats and we are now one of the leading course providers in the field of TEFL training. Although we are at the forefront of EFL teacher training we still strive to maintain our high standards by continuing to upgrade our courses and services on a regular basis. Since we started our TEFL training we have helped tens of thousands of trainees from all different backgrounds to realize their individual dreams of a fulfilling career as an English language teacher in countries all over the world. Over the years the world of EFL teaching has continued to develop at a rapid rate and we have kept abreast of these changes by adding innovative new courses, regularly updating our course materials, and...  [Read more]

EFL & ESL Jobs - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Prospects for Teaching English Abroad

Feel free to click on the links below for information regarding TEFL jobs in specific countries and regions. Many of the most popular teaching destinations are listed and we literally have thousands of employers on file from countries all over the world. Once you have earned your TEFL certificate, you will be qualified for a huge range of TEFL related jobs. There are many online resources with hundreds of vacancies listed and you will be provided with a comprehensive list of these resources after you have enrolled in the course. Throughout your teaching career, we will help guide you into the right job that meets your needs. With our well established reputation around the world, you might even be hired before you finish the course. With our assistance, our graduates have a head start on...  [Read more]

Any Fluent English Speaker Can Get TEFL/TESOL Certified - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Whatever your nationality or background, there are plenty of EFL teaching jobs available as the worldwide market for TEFL qualified teachers is simply massive. In fact, the demand is so strong that you can even pick and choose which job you prefer in some areas around the world. Thanks to this demand, non-native English speakers with a TEFL Qualification are in a great position to find employment in many countries. The truth is, of the thousands of trainees who graduate from our courses every year, there are always more non-native speakers than native speakers. As long as you are a fluent English speaker with a good-quality TEFL certificate under your belt, there is nothing stopping you from achieving your goals as an EFL teacher. In reality, non-native English speakers actually...  [Read more]

what are the differences between tefl and efl? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and EFL (English as a Foreign Language) are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they do have some subtle differences. TEFL typically refers to the practice of teaching English to non-native speakers in countries where English is not the primary language. EFL, on the other hand, is a broader term that encompasses the teaching of English to non-native speakers in any context where English is not the dominant language. From an SEO point of view, it is important to understand the distinctions between TEFL and EFL as they can impact the search results and the relevance of the content to the user's query. When creating content for a website or blog that focuses on teaching English, using the appropriate terminology can help attract the...  [Read more]

Why should I teach EFL? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

There is no simple answer to this question as the reasons for teaching English are different for different people. For some it is the chance to help people who need English to improve their job status and to provide for their families. For others it is the adventure of heading overseas that is the real draw. With a TEFL qualification you can realistically look for work in almost any country you can think of. Another major benefit of teaching English that is often overlooked is that it provides a huge boost to the confidence and future careers of thousands of people who see it as a major step on their work and study journey. Whatever your own reasons for wanting to teach English, you will get to travel, help other people, and gain valuable work and life experience, all while exploring your...  [Read more]

Which online English teaching platform pays most? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

We have good news if you are interested in teaching abroad but are hesitant to settle down in one place: Teaching is one of the best-paying online jobs from home and one of the fastest growing career paths for remote workers. The best part about online teaching jobs is that you can not only get paid to speak English, but you can also find opportunities to teach English online with no prior experience. If you want to travel while earning money for speaking English, check out the best-paying online teaching jobs that you can do from anywhere in the world using your laptop. Preply is an online language learning platform that allows students to work with their preferred tutor at their own pace and on their own time. Preply, in general, invites any enthusiastic individual to join their...  [Read more]

Do you need to be bilingual to teach English? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

Many potential TEFL trainees come to us and ask whether they need to speak another language in order to teach English overseas or online. The good news is the answer is most definitely NO, you do not need to have any language skills other than a thorough understanding of the English language. Obviously, if you do speak the native language of the country you intend to live and work in it can be a real help in many ways, but it is not normally required by the employer. The specific requirements for teaching English abroad or online will vary depending on the country and the individual employer. In all cases a thorough understanding of the mechanics of English will be required. On top of that, a TEFL certificate from a reputable course provider is usually a must, while some jobs will also...  [Read more]

Worldwide Recognition Of ITTT’s TEFL/TESOL Certificate - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  ITTT has been at the forefront of TEFL certification for many years and in that time we have graduated tens of thousands of new EFL teachers. Because of our high profile in the TEFL field and the quality of our training courses, employers all over the world are fully aware of our certification. Many of these employers actually look out for our graduates as they are fully aware that they will have completed a meaningful training course that has prepared them for the reality of life in an EFL teaching environment. This recognition is true in all regions of the world and you will find our graduates teaching in almost every country you can think of. In the past it was common for people to head overseas to almost any country and find work as an English teacher without any relevant...  [Read more]

Tefl testimonials - Do I Need A Degree To Teach English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Strictly speaking the answer is no, you do not have to possess a TEFL certificate in order to find work as an English language teacher. In some countries around the world it is still possible to secure employment simply by being a native English speaker. However, there are several reasons why we would strongly recommend that you complete a TEFL training course before you set off to teach English abroad. In recent years many popular destinations for EFL teachers have begun to tighten the requirements necessary for teaching English in schools and language centers. A recognized TEFL certificate is now required in order to secure a work permit in many countries, whilst the ever growing number of teachers with a TEFL qualification means that employers in the majority of countries...  [Read more]

ITTT's Experienced Staff Stand For Your TEFL/TESOL Success

  One of the ways we ensure our trainees have the best training experience possible is by only employing staff members who have experience of taking a TEFL course and working as an EFL teacher overseas. This is true of all our in-class and online TEFL course tutors, as well as our pre-course advisors and post-course support team. It is normal to find choosing an initial training course a little daunting, which is why we have a team of experts ready to offer all the advice and assistance you need to make the right choice to suit your plans. Once you have chosen the right course for you, you will be able to rely on our highly-experienced and qualified trainers. Whether your course is online or in-class, your tutor will be there to guide you over every hurdle and to ensure you reach a...  [Read more]

TEFL Certification Online - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

TEFL certification stands as a vital academic credential that is almost universally required by anyone who wishes to teach English worldwide. While exceptions might exist in some less sought-after locations, the vast majority of TEFL job opportunities necessitate certification from a reputable course provider. This credential is typically the key to accessing well-paying positions and favorable working conditions. In fact, many of the top countries for teaching English abroad now make TEFL certification a prerequisite for gaining work permits and visas. Without it, you may face legal barriers to securing employment in these countries, which often offer some of the most lucrative TEFL positions available. With an ITTT-accredited TEFL certification, you gain the specialized expertise and...  [Read more]

ITTT's TEFL/TESOL Courses Offer Great Value For Money - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  As part of our long term commitment to providing training opportunities and worldwide job prospects for people from all backgrounds, ITTT offers TEFL certifications to suit all budgets. Whatever your budget or future employment plans, you should find great value for money by enrolling on one of our many popular course options. From introductory level TEFL courses, right through to our advanced level Diploma in TESOL, everyone should find something that fits their plans. We constantly strive to keep our course fees as low as possible to ensure that the wide world of EFL teaching is open to everyone. Another way that we offer great value for money is by giving away free additional courses when you sign up for one of our most popular TEFL course options. Check out our Special Offers...  [Read more]

Is grammar knowledge important when teaching English? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT TEFL & TESOL

When considering this question it is important to first outline the different types of class levels found in English language classrooms worldwide. A fairly common classification of EFL teaching levels is indicated by the book resources available. If you consider book series such as, Reward, New Headway, and many others, you will find five levels. These levels are, Starter (or Beginner), Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, and Upper-Intermediate. Now we have established the general language levels of students, we can now consider the four skills of English. It is very important to remember that there are four skills that are required by any language user. These four skills are, reading and listening (known as the receptive skills) and writing and speaking (known as the productive...  [Read more]

Every Course Graduate Receives An Embossed Certificate - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  On completion of your TEFL training course with ITTT you will receive a high-quality, embossed Certificate. The cost of the certificate is always included in the initial course fee and every one also comes with a unique certificate number which employers or government departments can use to verify its authenticity. When you apply for jobs or work visas the relevant parties can visit the Certificate Verification page on our website, enter your unique certificate number, and then get instant verification that you are a genuine ITTT course graduate. International employers find this to be an increasingly useful tool as it is quick and easy to use and it discourages the small minority of teachers who rely on a fake or copied certificate. As ITTT has been providing training courses for...  [Read more]

Take A Specialized TEFL/TESOL Course - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  There are several different specialized areas within the TEFL world that require the teacher to possess a specific set of skills and knowledge to be successful. At ITTT we have developed a range of specialized TEFL courses that are designed to give our graduates full access to these potentially lucrative job markets. Our courses in teaching young learners and teaching business English build on the content of your initial TEFL certification course to provide all you need to widen your job prospects in these major areas of EFL teaching. These courses will expand your existing knowledge and also look great on your job applications. Our most recent addition to the specialized course category is rapidly becoming our most popular. Our course in teaching English online is perfect for...  [Read more]

Explore ITTT's Extensive TEFL/TESOL Blog - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  If you want to find information on all aspects of the TEFL world in one convenient location, head straight over to the ITTT Blog. The blog is home to hundreds of fascinating articles written by a range of TEFL experts and our very own TEFL course graduates. Some of the most popular sections of the blog include tips on visas and work permits, information on salaries and budgets, heaps of great teaching ideas, as well as insight into the different TEFL course options. You will also find many posts related to different teaching destinations around the world that could help you make the right choice of location to suit your preferences. A large number of these articles are written by ITTT course graduates who are now working as EFL teachers in many different settings and locations. It...  [Read more]

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