What qualifications do I need to teach English in non-English speaking countries?


1. Qualifications for Teaching English Abroad

2. TEFL Certification

3. Bachelor's Degree

4. Native or Fluent English Speaker

5. Conclusion

Qualifications for Teaching English Abroad

Teaching English as a foreign language can be a rewarding experience, but it requires a certain set of qualifications. While requirements can vary from country to country and even between different schools, there are some common qualifications that are typically needed to teach English in non-English speaking countries.

TEFL Certification

One of the most common qualifications required to teach English abroad is a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification. This certification provides you with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively teach English to non-native speakers. Many schools and language institutes around the world require teachers to have a TEFL certification, as it ensures that you have received proper training in teaching English as a foreign language.

Bachelor's Degree

In addition to a TEFL certification, many countries also require English teachers to have a bachelor's degree. While the degree doesn't necessarily have to be in English or education, having a bachelor's degree is often a minimum requirement for obtaining a work visa in many countries. Some countries may also have specific requirements for the type of degree or the subject area it should be in, so it's important to research the specific requirements of the country you're interested in teaching in.

Native or Fluent English Speaker

Another common requirement for teaching English abroad is being a native English speaker or having fluency in the language. Schools and language institutes typically look for teachers who have a high level of proficiency in English, as they will be responsible for teaching the language to non-native speakers. Some countries may also require proof of English proficiency, such as a high score on an English language proficiency test like the TOEFL or IELTS.


In conclusion, the qualifications needed to teach English in non-English speaking countries often include a TEFL certification, a bachelor's degree, and proficiency in the English language. While requirements can vary depending on the country and the specific school or institute, having these qualifications can help you secure a teaching position abroad. It's important to research the specific requirements of the country you're interested in teaching in and ensure that you meet all the necessary qualifications before applying for a teaching position. FAQs What are TEFL jobs? Where to find TEFL jobs?