Living and Teaching English in the Czech Republic - Habits, Customs & Curiosities
Many EFL teachers are keen on living and working in Europe but strict visa regulations do not always allow foreigners to work in some countries.
However, the Czech Republic is one of the countries that do not make it too hard for foreign English language teachers to secure a work visa.
If you choose it as your destination you will also find a very healthy job market with many teaching jobs available throughout the country.
If you like the sound of the Czech Republic, read on for culture tips and more.
Thanks to a strong market for foreign teachers, the Czech Republic is one of the most popular countries in Central Europe for people looking to teach English abroad.
Before you leave home, take a look at this brief guide to the Czech Republic for ideas of where and when to go, and what to do when you get there.
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With a long and colorful history that stretches back over 1,000 years, the Czech Republic also offers visitors a unique cultural experience that includes some of the best medieval architecture in Europe.
You will also find some basic Czech language to learn and a few cultural tips to help you settle in to your new life in an unfamiliar country.

When it comes to naming the nation’s favorite tipple, there is no question that Czechs love their beer.
If you choose to stay and work as an EFL teacher you will have plenty of time to sample the huge range of beers on offer from the 250 breweries that are in operation across the country.
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Since the first recorded brewery in the country began producing beer in 993 AD, it has become a part of the national identity and across the Czech Republic annual consumption is now the highest of any country in the world.
It is also worth noting that local beer is cheaper in Prague than in any other European city, so you won’t have to break the bank to enjoy the Czech Republic’s most popular beverage.

Of the thousands of foreign teachers living and working across the Czech Republic, a large percentage find work in schools and language centers in and around the capital city of Prague.
Among the essential things not to be missed is a walk along the iconic Charles Bridge which is famous for its Gothic-style towers and the 30 statues that adorn either side.
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Whether you are based in Prague or are working elsewhere in the country and just visiting for the weekend, you will find the city to be friendly and great fun to explore.
The huge astronomical clock that dates back to 1410 is another of the city’s most popular attractions, as is a night out at the spectacular National Theatre.

Easter, known as Velikonoce in the local language, is one of the most important holidays of the year in the Czech Republic.
One of the more unusual traditions involves the pomlazka which is a special stick that is used by men to gently whip women on the legs in return for a painted egg.
As well as unique traditions, this infographic also looks at some of the traditional foods you can enjoy during the festivities.
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If you are in the country during this period you will have a great opportunity to be involved in the many traditions that surround the festival.
One thing you should remember on the Wednesday preceding Easter, known as Ugly Wednesday, is not to frown as it is said you will then frown every Wednesday for the rest of the year.

The ancient center of Prague is known as the Old Town where you will find many of the city’s most famous buildings and monuments.
Just a short walk from the square is the Old Town Hall Tower where a short climb rewards you with a great view across the city.
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At the heart of the Old Town is Wenceslas Square which is famous for its restaurants, bars and nightclubs.
Among the other buildings to look out for in the area are the Tyn Church which allegedly inspired Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle, and Prague Castle which is the largest by area in the world.

If you happen to be living and working in the Czech Republic over the Christmas period you are in for a treat as the celebrations last for the whole of December and well into January.
However, the main attraction is the festive atmosphere that is further enhanced by a glass or two of delicious mulled wine.
The traditional Christmas food is fried carp that is often kept as a pet in the bathtub in the run-up to the big day.
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Four weeks before the main event, Christmas markets pop up all over the country selling decorations, presents, and all manner of local street food.
Christmas dinner is served on Christmas Eve in the Czech Republic, but unlike many other countries where the main meal consists of turkey, goose, beef, or ham.

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